Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cheer #76

Tonight is St. Patrick's day! Which of course means all my CHEERS! are going to be over drinks with my husband.

I hope everyone is having a great evening! Everyone's Irish tonight so party it up. Please everyone be safe and though. Don't drink and drive. It's not worth it.

Till tomorrow,

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cheer #75

Happy accident.

I'm cutting it close tonight. I almost forgot, because I've been so busy painting.

So I decided to paint some shoes for Brayden and Belle, I mentioned it a few posts back. Well I've been showing people progress on the woody and buzz shoes I did for Bray. Apparently people think I'm really good.

So I decided to post that I was painting shoes on a Facebook group I'm in. Within the hour I had 7 orders. I can not believe the response. Not only do people like my work, they want to pay me for it. People are trusting me to make gifts for them or their loved ones. That's pretty amazing.

So since I got a bunch of orders I ran to Walmart to grab a pair of shoes and stock up on paint. I came home and immediately started painting. That is, after I ran back out for the stuff I forgot.

I never thought that making some shoes for my kiddos would have me looking at 95 dollars in orders. It's crazy, but I feel really blesses right now.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to the opportunity I've just been given. I can't wait to fill out the orders that are coming in. I'm so excited. This is going to be a lot of fun.

Until tomorrow,

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cheer #74

More like her.

I aspire to be more like Belle. Yes, my two year old. Honestly though, I would love to be more like her. Who wouldn't want someone to change them and feed them. Plus, naps? Count me in.

No but, in all honesty I wish I could be as innocent as Belle. She's such a wonderful tiny human. She loves to smile and dance. When I'm having a bad day, and she asks to listen to shake it off and we dance together. She has no concept of my bad day, she just wants to dance. She wants to dance, with me none the less.

The simple things in life make her happy. She won't let you leave the house without asking you for a hug and kiss. She loves to cuddle. She's such a pure soul. She doesn't see the bad in things. Who wouldn't aspire to be like that.

I love that the stress that burdens me never reaches her. I love that even if I'm having a bad day, she doesn't know, and still wants to cuddle, or dance, or sing with me. If everyone had the innocence of a two year old the world would be a better place.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to Belle. For making me see that I should enjoy the simple things. That sometimes, you just need to dance. And that there's always good to be found in your day.

Till tomorrow,

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cheer #73

You better shape up.

So I don't think I've mentioned it, but I will be going to warped tour this July. I am so insanely stoked. I've actually never been, and I can not wait to go.

Going to warped tour in July at the beach, means I really need to kick my workout into high gear. I really want to be able to look good when I go. So I've decided to shape up, and get back in shape. I'm really going to try and stay on it. I have a goal and a time frame in which I need to meet that goal.

I went out and got everything I could think of to work out. I got a yoga ball and weights. A few different DVD's including a 30 day shred and a dance workout. I got waist, thigh and arm trainers. Lastly, I got new yoga shorts, sports bras, shoes and socks. Everything I could think of.

Tonight I worked out and broke a sweat. It was nice. I really do like working out, it just takes me a little bit to get back in the swing of it. I'm also trying to eat healthier. At least, to the best of my abilities. Less junk, more fruit and veggies.

I really plan to stick to it this time. I want to be able to wear what I want to, when I go to warped tour. I need to be in shape for that to happen, though.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to restarting my workout. I'm really going to push myself this time, I can't wait to see the results.

Till tomorrow,

Friday, March 13, 2015

Cheer #72

Time to decorate

I love decorating my house. I absolutely hate white walls. Although, most people my age who are married and or have kids. Or both, tend to decorate with family pictures, mirrors, wall decor. Jordan and I decorate with posters.

It honestly looks like college kids decorated our house. There are posters everywhere now. I love it. We went to spencers today and bought way too many posters. It was awesome. We got all different kinds. Now they're everywhere, and I couldn't be happier.

Jordan decorated like this before he met me. I happened to like posters too. We have a massive collection in Tennessee. When we get it here we could probably wallpaper the apartment. Have it looking like a angsty teenagers room. Complete with fuzzy velvet posters.

Now this isn't saying I don't want family pictures on the wall. I have pictures, I just need frames for them. Once I do that I'll gladly put up pictures of the girls everywhere. I also can't wait to get my flags back. I love having flags all over the walls and ceilings too.

Every house Jordan and I have had we decorate like this. It's not exactly conventional, but it makes us happy, so what else really matters. If we want to hang posters, flags and blankets on the wall then so be it.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to making our house feel more like our place. The walls are no longer bare. It feels far more homey. I can't wait to get more and continue on decorating.

Till next time,

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Cheer #71


I consider myself a do it yourselfer. By no means am I over here making a self sustaining green house, but simple crafty stuff? Count me in.

I'm currently painting some shoes for Belle and Brayden. My friend Melissa started doing it, and while I'd love to buy a pair from her, I decided to try and do it myself. Sometimes my d.i.y. turns out wonderfully, other times it looks like Pinterest fails.

It's more than just crafty thing though. I like to build things if I can. Make things myself. Jordan and I made a tattoo machine that I used to do my first tattoo. I like to try and do things on my own. Things like my hair. Some styles are beyond my reach, but my root touch up and dip dye was easy enough to do on my own.

I think everyone should try and do things on their own. You never know, you could discover some crazy hidden talent. Always try new things, and if you fail miserably? There's someone on etsy who doesn't that you can buy it from (:

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to doing things yourself. Trying it. Be it coloring your own hair crazy colors, or painting your kids shoes. Try it, you could be amazing.

Till tomorrow,

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cheer #70


Today I finally met my mom's boyfriend.

Boy is that a weird sentence to write. My parents have been divorced for years and years, so it's not like her dating is news to me. However, she's been with James for a lotta years, and I finally met him today.

So the reason I'm just now meeting him is because he's been in California for work. Otherwise I imagine I'd have met him sooner. It was kinda weird though I must say. My mom's never introduced me to one of her boyfriends before.

He was nice. Very quiet, I imagine from the jet lag. He seems to really like my mom, and that makes me happy. I like seeing my mom happy. We all sat down, had pizza, and laughed at Belle's attempt to flirt, but be extremely aloof at the same time.

I'm really glad after I believe 3 years, I finally got to meet the famous James. It's nice to see my mom smile like that. I'm glad he's here with her.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to James. For being pretty awesome. It was nice to finally meet you James. You're a really nice guy.

Until next time,