Thursday, March 12, 2015

Cheer #71


I consider myself a do it yourselfer. By no means am I over here making a self sustaining green house, but simple crafty stuff? Count me in.

I'm currently painting some shoes for Belle and Brayden. My friend Melissa started doing it, and while I'd love to buy a pair from her, I decided to try and do it myself. Sometimes my d.i.y. turns out wonderfully, other times it looks like Pinterest fails.

It's more than just crafty thing though. I like to build things if I can. Make things myself. Jordan and I made a tattoo machine that I used to do my first tattoo. I like to try and do things on my own. Things like my hair. Some styles are beyond my reach, but my root touch up and dip dye was easy enough to do on my own.

I think everyone should try and do things on their own. You never know, you could discover some crazy hidden talent. Always try new things, and if you fail miserably? There's someone on etsy who doesn't that you can buy it from (:

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to doing things yourself. Trying it. Be it coloring your own hair crazy colors, or painting your kids shoes. Try it, you could be amazing.

Till tomorrow,

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