Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cheer #62 (late)

It finally happened. I missed a day. I can't believe 62 days in I finally didn't post. I woke up this morning, realized that I forgot to post yesterday, muttered a few obscenities and tried to remember why I forgot last night.

I woke up yesterday to find that my pipes had yet again burst and my floors that had finally dried were once again wet. Thankfully the apartment is keeping the electricity on in their name. So at least I'm not paying for the dreadful fans on 24/7.

Then, we had to get the rest of our stuff out of my moms house. So my already crowded apartment with fans and lifted carpet was filled with moving boxes. I hate moving it's so stressful.

However, Ray came over. She helped me get everything moved around and put up for the time being. So at least it was only loud and not really crowded. She hung out for a while which was nice. When she left I was just exhausted. Poor Jordan had a tooth ache. So we ended up turning in early. We're some cool kids.

Yesterday's CHEERS! go to Ray. For coming over and helping me get everything situated. Also for helping me de-stress.

Till later tonight,

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