Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Cheer #35

Time with Papa

 So tonight we went to dinner with my dad. It's really no secret to the people who know me that my dad and I have an interesting past. We've had our ups and our downs. There have been times we haven't really talked, but we're starting to reconnect. 

 He came and saw both girls in the hospital after they were born, however we left shortly after Belle was born, so up until now he hasn't seen too much of Belle. When he came to see Aralyn though we told him that any time he wanted, he was more than welcome to see the girls. He took us up on our offer. Which is awesome. 

 He's been present in their lives now, which is really nice. He was in the military and was gone a lot when I was a kid, and then when my parents got a divorce it put even more of a strain on our relationship. 

 He absolutely adores the girls though. He thinks they're both just wonderful. He'll sit there and listen to Belle jabber on about Elsa and Anna and about anything that pops into her head. I usually can't pry Aralyn away from his wife who has on multiple occasions offered to just keep her.

 It warms my heart to see him with the girls. To see him interact with them is wonderful. I'm so glad he loves them so much, and that they love him too. Yes him and I have had our troubles, but the girls deserve to get to know him despite our past. I'm glad we're at a point in our lives where he can spend time with them and watch them grow up before we move. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to my Dad. He's a great Papa to my girls, and I love that. I'm so glad they're getting to know him, and I hope that once we move we can figure out a way to keep in touch with him for their sake. 

Until next time,

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