Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cheer #48


 Have you ever had a really bad fight over something stupid? Well Jordan and I had one of those today. 

 Sometimes I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I think everyone has those days. When that happens, there's a chance that Jordan and I are going to fight. Which sucks, fighting is never fun. Although I feel like never fighting is not good either. 

 If you've never fought, I'd like you to teach me your ways please. However, almost every time Jordan and I fight, it's over something silly. Some form of miss communication, or something that just really should have blown over, but somehow it didn't.

 It did happen though. No one is perfect, and it's eventually going to happen. There's going to be yelling, and tears. There always are when I'm fighting with someone. However, it ends. It always does.

 When it finally does end, things are better. Everything's usually been put out on the table after a fight. It's all finally been said, and it's usually been solved. Fights serve a purpose. At least to me they do. Yes, they're no fun, but when they're done with, I usually feel way better.

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to stupid fights. They help us grow and learn. They always end up having a purpose. They help fix things, and as much as they suck, they're a necessary evil. 

Till tomorrow,

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