Monday, February 9, 2015

Cheer #40

Treat yourself

 You are important. That fact should not be lost in times of high stress. You are important, and it is important to remember that, and occasionally treat yourself.

 Jordan and I are firm believers in treating yourself. Every time it's monetarily possible, do something nice for you. It doesn't have to be big and extravagant, I'm not telling you to go out and buy a Lexus and then be like "Well the girl on the internet said to do something nice for myself"! I am saying be kind to yourself, though.

 You do a lot. You work, you take care of your bills and responsibilities, but how often do you take care of yourself? How often do you remember to do something nice for you? I think it's healthy to do. 

 If you have a couple bucks left over, what's stopping you from getting a manicure and a bottle of wine? Why not go get that new movie or game you've been eyeballing? How about go to dinner at that restaurant everyone has been talking about? Do something nice, for yourself. 

 Like I said, it doesn't have to be big, just something you've been wanting to do. Today, Jordan and I decided to finally go out to Brixx, where I had been meaning to go with him for a while. We went just us and the girls. It was lovely. It was so nice, to just go out with my family and eat a meal together. 

 I think often people really forget how much stress really wrecks you. People get so caught up in worry that they forget about themselves. Which in turn just adds to the stress and worry. Remember to be good to yourself, there's a lot stopping you from buying a Porsche, but a bottle of wine's only a few bucks. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to treating yourself. Little things here and there. There's nothing wrong with loving yourself and buying something nice. 

Until next time, 

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