Monday, February 2, 2015

Cheer #33

Big girl bed

 The Patriots Won! Just like I knew we would. However, this post is not about them. It's about my Big Girl Belle. 

 So as you know, Belle finally got out of the pack n play, which she was honestly kinda iffy about. She's adjusting pretty well though. Which is amazing. There have actually only been two times she's removed herself from bed when she was told not to. 

 I'm often told I'm really lucky to have such good kids, and I really am. My girls are both exceptionally well behaved. Unless you put Belle in front of a camera, that is. I've heard horror stories about keeping kids in their bed once they get out of cribs/pack n plays. Luckily, I've had no such trouble. The first night she cried until I explained that she was a big girl now, and big girls slept in big girl beds. Since then, she's been pretty keen on her bed.

Today she picked out a new "Essah Nana" blanket, which she is absolutely in love with.

 So far, the big girl bed is going well. That is besides this morning, when she decided it would be best to pull an entire package of wipes out, one by one and pile them on the floor next to the bag. Let me just say, thank God for gallon ziplock bags, and the fact that I noticed it before they dried out. It's really nice, to have a good kid, one who adjusts to things so well. Let's hope it't this easy with Ary. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to well adjusted big girl Belle and her lovely big girl bed. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful girls, I wouldn't trade them for the world. 

Until next time,

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