Friday, February 20, 2015

Cheer #51

Please stop growing up.

 I never expected kids this young. Or at all in complete honesty. Jordan and I weren't supposed to be able to have children, yet here I am, two beautiful girls later.

 I feel like I've blinked and they're grown. It's so upsetting. Every day Belle gets more vocal. You can understand more, of what she says. She's becoming more and more self sufficient. Which is honestly really nice. It's wonderful to have her be able to not only do things on her own, but help me do things around the house. 

 While it's nice that she's getting bigger, it's maddening. I want them to stay little forever. Aralyn is wiggling around the floor desperately trying to crawl. When she's not trying to crawl she stands up in her walker all day. It feels like just yesterday I was in the hospital having her. 

 Belle is almost two, which makes me want to cry. She's my baby, yet she's almost at my hip. She helps me do dishes, and change Aralyn, and throws things away. I just want her to stay my tiny huggable little baby girl.

 Watching them grow up so quickly isn't all bad though, it makes me savor the time I have with them while they're this small. It makes me appreciate every little tiny hug and kiss I get.

 So tonight my CHEERS! goes to them growing up. It sucks, but it has to happen, and watching them grow and learn makes me so grateful that I have them and get to watch them as they grow. 

Until next time, 

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