Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cheer #31

One month down, guys!

 Today is January 31, which means I have successfully kept this blog up for a month, without missing a day! I am so proud of myself. When I started this blog, I knew it was going to be hard to keep up an everyday blog, but I decided to give it a shot. 31 days later and I'm still going. I'm pretty proud of myself. 

 Today was amazing. Jordan and I decided to get lost, I mean shop, at IKEA. We emerged from the labyrinth with a queen sized bed! It has some long winded Swedish name I can't hope to remember, much less pronounce. 

I could care less about the name though, I'm just glad it's not a flat mattress anymore. 

 Since we got a new bed we decided to upcycle our old bed. Which means Princess Belle got a big kid bed! 

We took our thin twin mattress and folded it in half. Then we wrapped the sheet around it one and a half times and pinned it together. BAM! A rather comfy bed, that's Belle sized. ...I see frozen bedding in her future.

 I'm hanging out at home alone again. I swear Jordan is always working, but at least it's keeping us out of the red. Which is amazing. Today was also filled with amazing nerd cars, and the best pizza in existence. There was literally nothing bad about today and I'm so happy about it. 

That would be every symbol of the Lantern Corps, and I've decided if this person hasn't already reproduced, they should.

And this is my amazing spinach, meatball, and balsamic glaze with an asaigo cheese crust, pizza.

 Today my CHEERS! is going to me! For making it through a month of blogging daily, and to everyone who's kept up with me! You guys are literally the best, I'm so glad you take the time to read my rambling. I love you all to pieces! Stick with me, let's enjoy February together! 

Until Tomorrow,

Friday, January 30, 2015

Cheer #30

Look at their perfect little faces!

 My pictures from the Amazing Katie Siebert came today!!!! 

I can't even deal with how perfect they are!!!! 

 Literally, I feel like I'm going to cry they're so perfect. I URGE you, if you need pictures done, go to Katie. She's a magical picture unicorn, and you can't tell me she's not. I've never been happier with pictures, and I'm so glad she was the one who took the first pictures of my girls together. 

 Tonight I once again extend a large CHEERS! to the wonderful and amazing Katie Siebert for taking the most perfect pictures. Please, please, please consider her if you're looking for a photographer. 

Until tomorrow,

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Cheers #29

Today was a good day

 I'm currently kidnapped and being held hostage. By Jordan's sister. I'm assurance that Jordan will come visit her when he gets off work. Don't I feel special. It's cool though, it's not like Taken or anything that cool. There is Honey Jack and Coke though. Also my captor is feeding me dinner. In fact, being kidnapped is working just fine for me. 

I turned myself into Hipster Ariel today. I left the Ocean because it was too current.

 Besides becoming a Hipster Disney Princess, which by the way, was a life goal. No I'm not joking. Jordan got paid today. Which was amazing. We were able to go shopping and get the things we needed. I managed to not have a panic attack at Walmart today. It's so amazing knowing we have the money, and that we will be more than ok this month. Not having a massive panic attack during a shopping trip is kind of a big deal for me. 

 Other than Aralyn having a fit for like 5 straight hours. Today was a really good day. Having anxiety sucks, and when you have a good day, it's really a victory. 

 Today's CHEERS! goes to having a good day. To having a handle on my anxiety today, and to becoming a hipster mermaid. 

Till next time, 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Cheer #28

Love does not hurt.

Warning: this post could trigger some people's PTSD and will also have mild language. 

 Three years ago today, I took my life back. I said enough, and I made the choice to love myself enough to leave. It was terrifying, but I did it, because I'm worth more. I did it, because love should never hurt. 

 You never think it's going to happen to you. Then suddenly you look around and realize, it already has. You're in an abusive relationship, and now you have to figure out how to safely get out. I can remember when it hit me that it was time to leave. I was talking with a friend at work, my phone was buzzing with yet another text accusing me of cheating or being a whore. I was yet again making excuses for him, and my friend looked at me and said if you're still making excuses, you're not ready to leave. Right then it hit me, that I was ready to go, I was tired of making excuses for someone who didn't deserve them. 

 I called my mother crying and explained what was going on and that I needed help. I knew what I was about to do could go terribly wrong. Looking back on the relationship now, it was unhealthy from the beginning. Ladies, and gentlemen (because abuse doesn't only happen to women) if your significant other is overly controlling from the beginning, step back and look at your relationship and if it's really worth being in. 

 Back in high school psychology I remember hearing about "foot in the door" syndrome. Basically, you're getting ready to leave, and they tell you everything's going to change, they're sorry. So you stay, and you stay hoping that things will get better. Most of the time, they never do. For me they never did. 

 It started out small. He would degrade me, tell me I was lucky he was with me, because no one else would want me. I was never able to do anything without him. He was constantly accusing me of cheating on him while I was at work, or while he was at work. I was always on the brink of being dumped and kicked out the house I was living in. I tried to leave him twice, before I finally plucked up the courage to do it. Every time I tried to leave he pulled me back in with false promises. He would get better for about a week and then it would start up again. 

 Eventually he started putting his hands on me, he would shove me down. There were holes in the wall from him punching them when he wanted to punch me. I was not allowed to talk to my friends or family. Any text I sent he would read. At any point in time he would take my phone and go through it. Interrogating me about anything he found. I hated my life, worse, I hated myself. 

 I realized I needed to leave. What he claimed was love, wasn't. It wasn't anything that resembled love. He would tear me down to build himself up. He made himself the only thing I had in the world. If I left him, where was I going to go? He would tell me, you have no one, you won't be able to go anywhere. No one will believe you, what are you going to do? For a very long time, I believed it to be true. 

 The day I chose to take my life back was terrifying. His words played in my head. What was I going to do if no one believed me? Where was I going to go? Was he going to try and stop me again? Was he going to hurt me for trying to leave? I had to do it though, I had to love myself enough to say, enough is enough. And as I sit here with Aralyn in my lap, I know I made the right decision. I chose myself. I chose to take the risk to get out. It wasn't easy, and I bounced around on quite a few couches before Anna came to get me at my grandparents house. Easy was never an option though. Getting out was the only option.

 Now, I'm married, HAPPILY. With two beautiful girls. My life is so much better. I'm happy, and I'm healthy. I don't live in fear of someone who's supposed to love me. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to loving yourself, and knowing when to say enough. Ladies and Gentlemen, remember, Love should never hurt. Abuse doesn't have to be only physical. It's emotional, it's mental, it's verbal. If you're in a bad situation, love yourself enough to get out. 

Always remember, there is help out there, you are loved, and you are worth it. 

Until tomorrow,

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cheers #27

Today I don't feel like doing anything.

 I wish i could follow that statement up with I just stayed in bed all day. However, as a mother of two, we all know that didn't happen. Today was relatively uneventful. Which honestly, was so nice.

 Jordan got called into work and was out of the house by 11:30, for an unforeseen amount of time. Another day home alone with the girls. I'm getting used to being a stay at home mom again. Jordan is either on the schedule and working or being called in to work. So at any point in time he could have to leave, and I'm home with the girls.

 Thankfully Belle had just gone down for a nap and Aralyn was being a baby. Honestly, babies are really easy in my opinion. They don't move a lot, they only cry until they get what they want, and they sleep. Super easy compared to a toddler. I sat down and watched miss universe. I'll never get over some of the things that come out of those girls mouths on the Q and A part. 

 Eventually Belle did wake up, as children tend to do. Although shortly after she woke up Ayanna came to visit me. Which was wonderful, we sat around and did nothing together. Doing nothing with a friend is somehow slightly more satisfactory than doing it by yourself. We had a late lunch and ate sushi together. It was pretty yummy. Literally like 5 minutes after she left, Jordan walked back through the door. 

 I'm currently finishing off my Angry Orchard that I had with dinner I went out and got, so I didn't have to cook. Jordan is playing with Ary behind me and she's intently squeaking at him. Today was uneventful and it was wonderful. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to my uneventful day. I got to relax and hang out in the comfort of my own home with a good friend. Which is a good day in my book. 

Till next time,

Monday, January 26, 2015

Cheer #26

I'm not super mom

 A fact, I am reminded of at least once a day. Earlier this afternoon, the girls decided to both melt down at the same time. Let me tell you how excited I was. Spoiler Alert: I wasn't. As a mother of two, meltdowns are something I've learned to accept.

 I usually get frazzled when they're both screaming. One I can handle with relative ease. Two sends my anxiety through the roof. So, dealing with it calmly is something I've been working on. Today actually went pretty well. I changed Ary, threw her bottle in the microwave, mixed it all up and threw some chicken in for Belle. At this point Aralyn might be having her arm amputated, at least she thinks so. Belle is underfoot and I'm probably going to trip on her trying to get this bottle into Ary's face. Why can't I have Mr. Fantastic's powers. How about Go go extendo arm? No, well damn. 

 Eventually without the aid of dark magic, I manage to get Belle sat down with food and Aralyn has a bottle in her face. Touchdown, right? Wrong. Aralyn's swing's batteries are dead, and the only thing keeping her half asleep is me rocking her swing. What's that I hear though? Of course, Belle's done eating and needs to get down. At this point it's really the lesser of two evils. I decide to get Belle down before she gets loud. When I stop rocking Ary she wakes up, oh boy. Luckily, it appears the worst is over. 

 My job is usually a choice of which one can wait longer. Or, which one's crying is less bearable today. Which sounds really bad, but honestly, unless I'm suddenly introduced to high levels of gamma rays, or find a green lantern ring, or become a billionaire and can buy a nanny, I mean super powers; one of the girls is going to have to wait. I try to alternate between the two, but occasionally one of them just really needs my attention more. 

 Eventually though, I do get them both taken care of, and the crying stops, if only for a few minutes. I might not be a super mom, but I'm a pretty good mom. My kids don't complain, and if they do, I don't hear it because talking isn't exactly their strong suit.

 So tonight my CHEERS! goes to NOT being a super mom. It teaches Belle to be patient when I need to take care of Ary. It helps me get over my anxiety quicker. I don't need to be a super mom. I just need to be Belle and Ary's mom, and I'm pretty good at that.

Until tomorrow,

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cheer #25

You can't have that dog here.

 Say hello to Bamboo. She's a beautiful Red Nose Pitbull. She is also, not with me at the moment. Almost 10 months ago, I had to say goodbye to her. It was one of the hardest things I've done. She's my baby, and I love her. 

 When I left Tennessee, I had to leave her, too. Partly, because I was going on a greyhound bus to get back to Virginia. Mostly, because people are ignorant. Looking for places to live with a Pit is frustrating, to say the least. They hear that you have a pitbull and suddenly the mood of the conversation shifts. God forbid your kids are around when you mention your dogs breed. I've had more than one person ask me how I can let my children around pits. It's actually a pretty simple process, I put my child down next to her, and that's pretty much it. 

 There's no vicious mauling, there's no locking jaw. There's usually just Bamboo, licking whatever microscopic bits of food Belle has attached to her, and then Bamboo looking up at me as Belle uses her as a horse. My dog would actually probably help you rob the house before she would bite you. However, because she's got a fat, square head. No one wants her around. To which I say, Rude. 

 Pitbulls are literally the best dogs ever. ESPECIALLY if you have kids. Do your research if you haven't. Pits used to be commonly used as NANNY dogs. 

That would be two puppies and their mom keeping my sick 2 month old company while she slept. Usually, I couldn't keep them from snuggling with her. It just didn't happen.

 This isn't supposed to be post with me on my soapbox defending pits, I just miss my dog and wish people wouldn't judge her. There are not bad dogs, there are just bad owners. Ok, ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now.

 Today's post is really about gratitude. Yes it's true, my dog is not here with me. Which breaks my heart every day. She's not gone though. I didn't have to give her away, I just had to say goodbye for a bit. However, very soon, I will get my dog back. 

 Today my CHEERS! goes to my amazing brother-in-law; who, bless him, has been dog sitting my goofy baby for me. For 10 long months he's taken care of her. He's fed her and kept her warm. He even recently bailed her out of doggy jail after she ran off. If it wasn't for Andy, I wouldn't even have my baby anymore. So while she's far away, I'll have her back soon. That day can not come soon enough. 

Till next time,

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cheer #24

Say Cheese!

 This post is brought to you by the number 2 and the letter K. What does that mean? It means without the Wonderful Melissa Becker who runs and the Amazing Katie Siebert who's the owner of, this post would not exist.

 Let me start by saying that since I started this blog, I've been waiting to post about today. Well, today finally happened. A little while ago, Melissa had a giveaway on her blog 2 by 22. Which I will gladly admit to reading every installment of. I was somehow lucky enough to be chosen as the winner of a mini photo shoot with Katie. So. Exciting. I love getting pictures done. It happened to come at a time when we were struggling and I was desperately trying to figure out how to save up some money to get pictures of the girls done. As usual, God provides. 

 When I found out I won I basically gushed at Melissa how much I appreciated it. I think I told her thank you like 50 times in a 5 minute conversation. I rarely win contests and this one was big, at least to me. 

 Once Katie and I finally got in contact with eachother, we figured out a day and set up a time. However, the world seemed to be conspiring against us. I believe we had to reschedule twice, and we almost had to reschedule again, but thankfully the snow turned to rain and we were finally able to get together! 

 Today was very long. I woke up early, ran to get caffeine and breakfast and attempt to get belle down for an early nap. In the time she was napping I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off and managed to get almost nothing done. Although Jordan, the amazing man he is, managed to get Ary bathed. An hour after I laid her down I woke belle up and she got a bath too,(thanks mom). While that was going on, I continued to run around like a headless chicken. Somehow I managed to get everything together and out the door. Yay me! 

 Now if you know my child, you know she loves pictures. This morning she took 28 selfies in a row on her gigi's phone. 28. So you'd think all would be sunshine and rainbows with Katie today, you'd be wrong. So very very wrong. My wonderful well behaved daughter who loves pictures was obviously abducted by aliens and replaced by the crying, red faced girl poor Katie had the...pleasure, of meeting. I was assured by her that this happens all time. I nodded, smiled and waited for the earth to swallow me whole. 

 I firmly believe Katie is a magical unicorn of some kind. She managed to get some lovely photos of the girls in between Belle's multiple meltdowns. Also, she got quite a few of a very happy Aralyn while I was pleading with Belle to please go smile with her sister. Eventually even Aralyn became restless and we decided, maybe it was best to be done. I apologized all over myself, thanked Katie for somehow taking magical pictures of my usually wonderful daughters, and we were on our way. 

 Of course, as soon as I get home what do I get but this.

Where was this cooperation earlier Belle!? 

 Today wasn't all bad though. I finally got to meet Katie, and was lucky enough to have her take pictures of the girls. Even after all the meltdowns, I'm going to be on pins and needles waiting to see the magic she captured.

 So tonight a very large CHEERS! goes to Melissa Becker, for hosting the giveaway that helped me to get the pictures I was trying to figure out how to afford. Also to Katie Siebert for smiling at my Terribella and taking the time to take these pictures for me. It means a great deal to me and I am extremely thankful to both of these lovely ladies for making today possible. 

Until tomorrow,

Friday, January 23, 2015

Cheers #23

What's that mean?

 My girls have unique names. There's Eribella Syn, and there's Aralyn Eir. I often get told that they have interesting names, which is true. However, I rarely get asked what their names mean. Some names, are just names. Some parents really like a specific name just because it's pretty, which is true for me. However I chose my girls names not only because they were pretty, but because they had a lot of meaning behind them. 

 Today I had an old friend comment on their names, and for the first time in a while I got to explain what they mean. So I decided tonight to do the same on my blog. 

 Eribella, I personally think is just the prettiest name ever. It was something I came up with when I was younger. Since it popped into my head, I've wanted to name my daughter that. Let me tell you how excited I was when I found out I was having a girl. Jordan thankfully was completely on board with her name. It's pronounced like it's spelled. It's not ARAbella it's ERIbella. Think Air uh bella. Well we started looking into the meaning of it, and we found out that in Italian "Eri Bella" means you were beautiful. Then came the middle name. 

 Here's where I usually get the dirty looks and questions. Why would you name her Syn, are you saying she's a sin. Here's the answer, yes and no. Eribella was conceived out of wedlock. Which according to the church is a sin. We knew then, that her name would have a very deep meaning. My daughter is not a sin, my daughter is everything good in the world, and you won't tell me otherwise. However, she was conceived "out of sin". Which is where her name really gets it's meaning. Yes we had sex before marriage which is a "sin", but from that came something beautiful. It was a beautiful sin. 

 Before we found out Aralyn was a girl, we honestly thought the opposite. So we had a lovely name picked out for what we thought was a boy. I think that's my only problem with not having a boy. He would have had an amazing name. We had chosen Orion Tyr. Orion because Jordan has always felt a special connection with the constellation Orion and Tyr who was Thor's brother. He was a very powerful god of war, who did a lot of good in his life. My son's name would have literally translated to "Hunter War God", and if that's not a manly name I don't know what is. As we all know, it turned out to be a girl. 

 We decided that we really wanted to give her a Norse name as well. When we were looking up names we actually stumbled upon the Norse Goddess Syn, totally not even kidding. Syn was the Norse Goddess of truth. So Eribella's name also means you were beautiful truth. Anyway, back to Aralyn. 

 Aralyn Eir, also in my opinion just one of the most beautiful names ever. Aralyn is a Fey (fairy) Queen. She is said to be one of the most beautiful women in existence. She also happens to have dominion over flora. Which actually even ties into Aralyn's sleeping beauty theme. We decided on the name Eir (pronounced like air) because she was the Norse Goddess of healing. She also happened to use a flower called the "Eirflower" to help her in her healing. Which in case you haven't already figured out, ties into the fey queen with dominion over flora. Holistic medicine is a really big thing with Jordan and I. Perhaps Aralyn will end up in that field. Which I would totally approve of. 

 To me, names are important. Names have power, and if the meaning behind those names is a powerful meaning, the name itself is equally as powerful. I want the girls to understand why their names are what they are. I hope one day they understand just how much thought Jordan and I put into their names. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to inquisitive people, that take the time to ask me what my girls names mean. To people that don't just assume I named my daughter Syn for some devious reason. Also to names that are not only original, but meaningful. Names that children can be proud of. 

Until next time, 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cheer #22

You're never too old for Disney

 I am a firm believer in all things Disney. I truly do believe that Disney World is the happiest place on earth. I also believe every girl/woman wants to be a Disney princess. Disney is literally the best. 

 When I was little, I used to know every line to every Disney movie. I say when I was little, like it's not still true to this day. I think that's one reason I was really happy I had two girls. They WILL love Disney as much as I do. Not negotiable. Both of them are well on their way though. They both had Disney themes, Belle had everything Monsters Inc, because her colors were teal and green. Ary has a Sleeping Beauty theme. Like I said, I really love Disney.

Aralyn actually came home in her Aurora Dress onesie, and her blanket is supposed to be the colors of a pink sunset.

I literally have trouble keeping Belle out of her Elsa dress.

and her Rapunzel dress.

Thank God she has multiple princess Nighties.

 That's just the outfits. We have baby toys, stuffed animals, little people, bags, slippers, movies, coloring books. I'll tell you one reason I don't like Disney, their stuff is so cute and I spend way too much money on it. I love them for a lot more than their cute outfits and accessories though.

 My favorite Disney princesses are Aurora, Belle, and Ariel in that order. If I ever have another daughter (not likely) I imagine she'll have plenty to do with Ariel, since Belle has taken to well, Belle, and Ary is an Aurora girl. That's my favorite thing about Disney, it's a bridge. I'm 22 years old, but I can sit down with my girls, and watch princesses fall in love, and go on adventures. We can sing songs I sang when I was little, and learn the new ones together. Disney keeps magic alive. In more than just little kids, I know there isn't a time I can think of that I wouldn't run up to my favorite princess and hug her. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to Disney for helping every girl believe that they're a princess. For giving me memories that I can share with my babies. For reminding everyone that dreams do come true, and that magic is real. In one form or another, magic is everywhere.

Till tomorrow,

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cheer #21

Fashion has no age limit.

 Fashion is a funny thing. There's fashions people try to forget, for me, it's the 90's. Horrible, horrible fashion. There's trends that never seem to die, like a classic "little black dress" and pearls (thank you Audrey). One thing seems to remain true though, and that, is that there's no age limit when it comes to fashion. 

 Belle is almost 2, which quite frankly drives me crazy the more I think about it. She, is a fashion DIVA. I swear, she has more clothes than Jordan and I combined. People often ask me "why does your daughter have cuter clothes than I do"? You wanna know why? People send kids gift cards for clothes all the time. Where's the gift cards for Momma?! ...I'm mostly kidding... 

 No but honestly, as much as I'd like to take credit for her fashion sense, because I mean, I'm not exactly on an episode of what not to wear, it's usually all her. When I dress her, if it's not something she's picked out for herself it's something we've picked out together. I don't buy or put her in anything she hasn't personally said she wants. You might think that's silly, but when I hold up two outfits to her and ask her which one she wants, she'll point at what she wants then grab it. She's also started to say "I want this on Bella, Mommy" Please stop growing up! 

Most of the time, her outfits are just precious.

We were channeling Han and Leia with this outfit. 

I just can't even deal with how cute her clothes are.

Apparently neither can she. 

Other times, it's obvious she's dressed herself without my help. Somehow it still matches, or looks really cute.

Beanie, Sweater, and Winter boots welcome, pants need not apply.

This is one of her favorite outfits...we try to not talk about this one. At least she's got matching down pat. 

Quite frequently she feels her outfit is missing her accessories of choice. Namely her fluffy sequin vest and her kitty ears. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to Belle Syn, for her love of fashion and her clear understanding of how it works. To her self expression, and her personality which is unmistakable as anything other that simply Belle. 

Till next time, 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Cheer #20

Happy Birthday Maliyah Hope!

This is 7lbs 2oz, 19" long Maliyah Hope.

Babygirl came screaming into our lives at 12:24pm

 Anna was supposed to get induced today at 7:30am, my Lyah baby had other ideas. So this morning at 3:00 Anna went into labor. Thankfully we didn't go in till 6:30. So I got a whole 4 hours of sleep before the big day. 9 and a half hours later we had a baby. She's absolutely beautiful and I love her to pieces. 

 Today my CHEERS! goes to You, beautiful Maliyah. Happy Birthday babygirl. It was wonderful to finally meet you today. I love you.

Until tomorrow, after some much needed sleep,

Monday, January 19, 2015

Cheer #19


Spending the night with this chick, and do you know why? BECAUSE TOMORROW IS BABY DAY!

 Tomorrow at 6 am, I'm getting my butt out of bed and going to the hospital with my main chick. She's getting induced, so my baby Lyah will be here tomorrow! So stoked. 

These pictures are going to be called the Last Supper, and you can't tell me it's anything else.

 In the words of Anna "Taco Bell is so unhealthy for you" It totally is, it's so awful for you. It's so delicious though! I feel like if it was healthier, I would eat taco bell forever. However, my stomach already hates me for it. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Taco Bell! (48 cookies for anyone who got that reference.) 

 So tomorrow's the big day, and I'm so stoked, I can't wait to meet my niece. If you didn't know, Anna and I we're pregnant together. It was...wonderful? If that's the word you'd use for two hormonal best friends. Yeah, let's go with wonderful. Anyway!

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to the last night without four babies. To taco bell, and way to many TMI moments that to us, are just a normal day. Tonight is the last night, and we're gonna live it up with plenty of bathroom breaks while watching worst cooks in america. Night guys!

Till tomorrow when my new bundle of joy is here,

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cheer #18

Gigi, Nani, Papa, Poppy.

 Football is about to come on, and overly seasoned chicken(pretty sure it's ruined) is cooking in the oven. Jordan's at work today, which is cool, tonight's a money making night. Anyway, I'm hangin out with the girls again. Hopefully Belle will watch some football with me.

 So I'm assuming most of you have had a conversation with a toddler over the phone. If you haven't it's a lot of "huh?" "oh, ok baby" "give the phone back to mommy now ok baby". With Belle it's not quite as bad. I'm not just saying that because she's my kid. She's actually not terrible to have a conversation with. She's extremely loquacious, although most children her age are. 

 With Belle though, it's not all just babbling. She's almost two now, and can talk in relatively well spoken sentences. She'll take the phone from Jordan or Myself and run off to talk to whomever it is. She'll usually tell you what she's doing, occasionally she'll tell you what she sees in books. You get a lot of Hi, and I Lah Lah. All in all though, she's a pretty pleasant conversationalist. 

 There's a few people though, that never get tired of her babbling their ear off. In person or over the phone. Hint: it's not Jordan or Myself. It is however, her grandparents. Her Gigi has been gone for almost a week, and during that week has continually called just to say hi and listen to her chat. Every morning for the past 4 days, Jordan's Dad and his wife have answered calls from around 7 am their time. I swear they sound more excited everyday, and anytime my dad sees her, he'll sit with her on his lap and just listen to her.

 Grandparents are the best, and tonight my CHEERS! goes to Belle's grandparents. For being amazing. For always listening to her talk her toddler talk, and for loving her to pieces. 

Till Tomorrow,

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cheers #17

Have a good day at work

 My house is a mess. I'll get around to cleaning it. Jordan got the job. It's awesome, and we're excited. Since he got this job, I got my old one back. I'm going to be a stay at home mom again. So at 3 o' clock it went back to; two girls, one mom, four hours till Belle went to bed, and quite a few hours till Dad was home. 

 It's now 7 o' clock. Eribella is asleep, Aralyn is rolling around on the floor, which is terrifying. Mobile babies, oh boy! Like i said, my house is pretty much a wreck. Belle's toys are everywhere, and the kitchen is a mess. I'm ok with that though, It'll get cleaned before Jordan gets back. The main reason it's not clean yet, is because it just won't  stay clean until the tornado goes to bed. 

 If you've ever watched children, you know cleaning up after them is pretty pointless. Belle will usually follow behind me, and take everything back out. If I continually kept the house clean during the day, I'd be more exhausted than I am currently. I don't care what anyone says, watching kids is a job, and it is exhausting.

We had breakfast for dinner, because I'm a cool mom.

 Making breakfast for dinner makes me cool, right? Of course it does. Brinner consisted of fried waffles, extremely crispy bacon, and an egg. While making said meal, I set off the smoke detector. Successfully waking up Araly, who had finally fallen asleep, and scare Belle to death. Way to go mom.

 It happens though, without shenanigans, life is boring. However, everything's situated now. Eribella is asleep, Aralyn will be soon, I'll clean up the house, and all will be well.

 Today my CHEERS! goes to Jordan's new job, and me returning to my old job. Jordan loves going to work, he'll be really happy, and I'm pretty good at my job. Plus I get to hang out with the girls again. On that note, Aralyn is hungry and the house needs to be clean.

Until next time,