Thursday, January 1, 2015

Cheer #1

                      Happy new years!

 Hi, I'm Jacquelline, but you can call me Angel. Everyone else does.
I started this blog, because this is supposed to be the year everything changes for my family and I. I keep seeing everywhere that this is page one of a 365 page long book, or something to that nature. Well pages don't sound as fun as cheers. At least in my opinion. So everyday (hopefully) they'll be a new cheer on this blog. Stick with me, let's see if we can make it to 365.

 Here we go...
My house smells like collard greens. I imagine I'm not alone in this. "It's a southern tradition, J" my mom says, the same way she does every year. I give the air a sniff, and wrinkle my nose. I'm not exactly collard greens' biggest fan. Health, wealth and fortune, I believe. Collards, Black Eyed Peas, and Rice. Me? I ate the Famous Dave's cornbread and am nibbling on peas. Sorry mom, i love you, this meal, not so much. 

  Today's supposed to be a good day, according to most people you ask. For me, today has been, iffy. I lost my job today, rather i got "let go". Which is not nearly as fun as singing "let it go" with my almost two year old. To which I say bullshit. Also, if you didn't find that funny, it's ok, it was a stretch. Plus, I watch frozen so much; frozen references are a daily thing. Anyway...I got let go from a seasonal job at Zumiez. Word to the wise, don't make the same mistake I did and apply there for seasonal. It's a joke. 

  Now it's not like i wasn't expecting it. It was seasonal, and the season's over. I had hope, though. Apparently rather unwarranted hope, but, color me an optimist. I called in to find out if I was being kept on; like i explained to my manager "I have kids to feed, I need to know if I need to be looking for a new job". After a few minutes of beating around the bush he finally stuttered out that they "weren't really keeping anyone from seasonal". Nothing says Happy New Years like realizing you have to find a new job.

  I've had a few hours to contemplate this situation, and I've decided my first Cheer of the Year goes to you Zumiez! And do you know why? Because there, I got worked non stop for 2 weeks at a time, then had 10 days off, followed by one day of work, and then another week off. I didn't get paid enough to deal with people's shenanigans. HEY CORPORATE AMERICA, 7.25 an hour is not nearly enough for the bull i had to deal with. My managers didn't care, unless it was a certain male manager, and he was looking for the commission on a sale. Now I can find a better job that gives me proper hours, and pays me better. 

  Yeah, I lost my job today, but i gained an opportunity. In my opinion, that's way better than a job i eventually dreaded going to. 

  So, CHEERS! to you Zumiez, for both nothing, and everything.

 Tomorrow is a new day, it could be better, it could be worse. Either way, it will be something worth giving a cheer to. 

Until then, 

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