Saturday, January 31, 2015

Cheer #31

One month down, guys!

 Today is January 31, which means I have successfully kept this blog up for a month, without missing a day! I am so proud of myself. When I started this blog, I knew it was going to be hard to keep up an everyday blog, but I decided to give it a shot. 31 days later and I'm still going. I'm pretty proud of myself. 

 Today was amazing. Jordan and I decided to get lost, I mean shop, at IKEA. We emerged from the labyrinth with a queen sized bed! It has some long winded Swedish name I can't hope to remember, much less pronounce. 

I could care less about the name though, I'm just glad it's not a flat mattress anymore. 

 Since we got a new bed we decided to upcycle our old bed. Which means Princess Belle got a big kid bed! 

We took our thin twin mattress and folded it in half. Then we wrapped the sheet around it one and a half times and pinned it together. BAM! A rather comfy bed, that's Belle sized. ...I see frozen bedding in her future.

 I'm hanging out at home alone again. I swear Jordan is always working, but at least it's keeping us out of the red. Which is amazing. Today was also filled with amazing nerd cars, and the best pizza in existence. There was literally nothing bad about today and I'm so happy about it. 

That would be every symbol of the Lantern Corps, and I've decided if this person hasn't already reproduced, they should.

And this is my amazing spinach, meatball, and balsamic glaze with an asaigo cheese crust, pizza.

 Today my CHEERS! is going to me! For making it through a month of blogging daily, and to everyone who's kept up with me! You guys are literally the best, I'm so glad you take the time to read my rambling. I love you all to pieces! Stick with me, let's enjoy February together! 

Until Tomorrow,

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