Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cheer #4

                          Feel the BURN!

 I started working out again today. I hate working out. Earlier I had to go to the store for my mom; to get the ingredients for E.B.N.B (extreme banana nut bread), and i decided to walk down the three flights of stairs. That was a mistake. My legs felt, and still feel, like jelly. For the record, I took the elevator when I got back. 

 My husband was in the military, so it's safe to say he knows how to properly work out. Now that I'm no longer having babies, because they try to kill me, which by the way is not an exaggeration, I've decided it's time to get back in shape! New year, new me! Or...something to that nature, I've never been good at resolutions. So today was day one of a hopefully every day workout session with my husband. Who's stoked?!?! Me...kinda.

This is me. 19 almost 20. Never had a kid, barely over 125 pounds, which at the time, was heavy for me.

 I used to be extremely athletic. I did it all. I was a competitive figure skater, I played field hockey, I cheered on both a competiton squad and my high school team. Plus, I had the metabolism of a 2 year old. I was skinny, but not unhealthy. I was happy with how I looked.

 My first child, the adorable Eribella, was not so nice to my body. I got BIG. I gained somewhere around 65-70lbs with her. My body stretched to accommodate the rather large child living in me. Suddenly I had stretch marks everywhere, with new ones appearing every day. I hated it, hated my body. I cried, a lot. For someone who had barely been over 100lbs her entire life with tight everything, my new body was a nightmare. 

This is me now. 22, and 2 kids later. A slight belly, and stretchmarks that cover my hips, back, and legs. 

 To some people, this might not seem bad, to me it is. I currently weight roughly 162lbs, which for my height is not bad (I'm 6'1"). I'm not happy with it though. I've always had issues with my weight, I can't stand being above what I deem a nice weight.

 I'm not going to just complain about it though. Although I imagine there's a study somewhere that says complaining burns calories. If only. So instead of complaining, I'm doing something about it. I eat pretty well, I'm no vegan, but I rarely eat fast food, and eat a lot of fruits and veggies. We all know that's not enough though. So now, I'm working out. Which as I mentioned before, I don't like doing. 

 In the comfort of my own home, with no gym rats to judge me, I workout while my kids are asleep with my husband. We have arms day, and legs day. Butt day, and Abs day. Today was a mixture of butt, legs and abs, hence the jelly legs. You know what though? I may not be able to walk without my legs shaking right now, but I. FEEL. GOOD. 

 So tonight, my CHEERS! goes out to the burn in my legs, and abs. I both love and hate the burn. It sucks, but it will get better. It will turn from a harsh burn, into something I enjoy. My body will go back, I will feel comfortable in my skin again. Because of the burn. So today, as i struggle to deal with the stairs, I smiled, because the burn is my friend, and it most certainly deserves a cheer.

Till tomorrow, 

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