Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cheer #6

Beep, beep, beep Ssnuh.

 For those of you who don't speak Eribella, that's a Frozen reference. What she's attempting to say is "Deep, deep, deep, deep snowwww". Today we had our first legitimate snow this morning. I was pretty excited. Actually, I hate snow. It's really pretty while it's falling. However I hate the cold, it's the worst. I looked outside, and saw the snow and couldn't wait for Belle to wake up and see it. 

 Well, she finally woke up, and I got to dressing her for the cold. 

She was super stoked, and ready to go outside.

Until of course this happened. 

 If you know my child, she's fearless when it comes to things like, getting thrown across the room. Hang her upside down and swing her around, sounds like a plan. Get snow on her GLOVED hand, the world itself is crumbling around her. However, as soon as I wiped it off she was fine. ...Drama Queen.

 Since it was snowing I heard more Frozen references than usual. according to Belle, just under two inches is deep snow. Jordan was woken up by her running into the room yelling "Dadn Ssnuh"! It's fairly safe to say she was excited. 

 Today's CHEERS! goes to not only The Snow, for making my child both happy and earth shatteringly upset. It goes to Frozen, for helping my little girl explain her excitement to me. Without "Essah" and "NahNah" how would she know how to sing about the snow. ...some days, it's the little things. 

Until next time,

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