Friday, January 16, 2015

Cheers #16

The value of communication

  My husband and I have a pretty good relationship. We've even been asked by people, how we have such a good relationship. I know I personally don't care for that question. Not because I don't want to share that information, but because I can only tell you what works for us. That may be entirely different from what may work for you. 

 Jordan and I work at our relationship. I don't mean that we're trying to make it work when there's nothing there. What I mean is we actually both put forth effort into the relationship. It's not one sided, it's taken a lot of time to have what we do. Yet we still work at it everyday. 

 You really have to talk to someone. Communication is key. I know everyone says that, but it's hard to actually follow sometimes. Even Jordan and I fail. However, when we finally do go to hash it out, we do it in the privacy of our own home. We really try to keep our personal problems out of the public eye. 

 Jordan and I tell each other everything. We have a policy of total honesty. Which we try to constantly uphold. It's usually when we don't that we have disagreements. They usually turn out to be misunderstanding from lack of communication. 

 It's so important to talk to each other. Let your significant other know how you feel. Always tell them what's on your mind, even if it's going to hurt. Talking is what keeps us together. 

 So today my CHEERS! goes to good communication. If we didn't communicate our feelings constantly, who knows where we'd be today. Always strive to work at your relationship, but never force it, make it work because you want it to. 

Until next time,

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