Thursday, January 8, 2015

Cheer #8


 My child usually wakes up before I want her to. If I could sleep till 9 every day, I totally would. However that rarely happens. Aralyn usually wakes up early in the morning around 3, Eribella could wake up anywhere between 5:30 am and 7:30 am. I think that's honestly the worst part about having kids, besides changing diapers. If you don't have kids, highly consider the hours before you decide to have one. 

 I tend to have a routine in the mornings. Belle wakes up; I change her, turn either Frozen or Frankenweenie on, go get her food, and plop both her and her breakfast back in bed. I then hope and pray that Aralyn isn't gonna wake up, roll over and try to go back to sleep. Somehow those extra few minutes while she's munching on breakfast make it easier to make it through the day. Honest.

 However, she does eventually finish breakfast and then begins the "Mama! I'm Done! Mama! Down! Mama! Peepee! Mama!" I swear it's only been 5 minutes. Needy little girl. So begrudgingly get out of bed, and pull her out of hers. Chances of getting back to sleep now have dwindled into the single digits. 

 My child is 22.4 pounds. Which may not seem like a lot, let me tell you, it is. Especially when all of that 22.4 pounds is walking on your legs, or falling on your back or stomach. Nothing says wake up like the crushing of vital organs! 

However, some mornings look like this.

If you can't tell what's goin on here, That's Belle Syn taking a selfie with us after she got a hold of Jordan's phone.

 When Belle was young, she would smash her head into yours and shake it back and forth. She did it to people she cared about. To her, it was like giving kisses. We called them Metal Schnuggles, because they were so hardcore. Now it's just been shortened to schnuggles, although, they've honestly become more hardcore. Tiny babies have hard heads, and Belle always wins a headbutt. 

 Anyway, days like today usually involve her crawling into bed with Jordan and I, showering us both kisses, and plenty of schnuggles. Days like today are the best. So today my CHEERS! goes to Belle Syn, and her schnuggles. For making it worth waking up in the morning. 

Until tomorrow, 

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