Saturday, January 24, 2015

Cheer #24

Say Cheese!

 This post is brought to you by the number 2 and the letter K. What does that mean? It means without the Wonderful Melissa Becker who runs and the Amazing Katie Siebert who's the owner of, this post would not exist.

 Let me start by saying that since I started this blog, I've been waiting to post about today. Well, today finally happened. A little while ago, Melissa had a giveaway on her blog 2 by 22. Which I will gladly admit to reading every installment of. I was somehow lucky enough to be chosen as the winner of a mini photo shoot with Katie. So. Exciting. I love getting pictures done. It happened to come at a time when we were struggling and I was desperately trying to figure out how to save up some money to get pictures of the girls done. As usual, God provides. 

 When I found out I won I basically gushed at Melissa how much I appreciated it. I think I told her thank you like 50 times in a 5 minute conversation. I rarely win contests and this one was big, at least to me. 

 Once Katie and I finally got in contact with eachother, we figured out a day and set up a time. However, the world seemed to be conspiring against us. I believe we had to reschedule twice, and we almost had to reschedule again, but thankfully the snow turned to rain and we were finally able to get together! 

 Today was very long. I woke up early, ran to get caffeine and breakfast and attempt to get belle down for an early nap. In the time she was napping I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off and managed to get almost nothing done. Although Jordan, the amazing man he is, managed to get Ary bathed. An hour after I laid her down I woke belle up and she got a bath too,(thanks mom). While that was going on, I continued to run around like a headless chicken. Somehow I managed to get everything together and out the door. Yay me! 

 Now if you know my child, you know she loves pictures. This morning she took 28 selfies in a row on her gigi's phone. 28. So you'd think all would be sunshine and rainbows with Katie today, you'd be wrong. So very very wrong. My wonderful well behaved daughter who loves pictures was obviously abducted by aliens and replaced by the crying, red faced girl poor Katie had the...pleasure, of meeting. I was assured by her that this happens all time. I nodded, smiled and waited for the earth to swallow me whole. 

 I firmly believe Katie is a magical unicorn of some kind. She managed to get some lovely photos of the girls in between Belle's multiple meltdowns. Also, she got quite a few of a very happy Aralyn while I was pleading with Belle to please go smile with her sister. Eventually even Aralyn became restless and we decided, maybe it was best to be done. I apologized all over myself, thanked Katie for somehow taking magical pictures of my usually wonderful daughters, and we were on our way. 

 Of course, as soon as I get home what do I get but this.

Where was this cooperation earlier Belle!? 

 Today wasn't all bad though. I finally got to meet Katie, and was lucky enough to have her take pictures of the girls. Even after all the meltdowns, I'm going to be on pins and needles waiting to see the magic she captured.

 So tonight a very large CHEERS! goes to Melissa Becker, for hosting the giveaway that helped me to get the pictures I was trying to figure out how to afford. Also to Katie Siebert for smiling at my Terribella and taking the time to take these pictures for me. It means a great deal to me and I am extremely thankful to both of these lovely ladies for making today possible. 

Until tomorrow,

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