Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cheer #21

Fashion has no age limit.

 Fashion is a funny thing. There's fashions people try to forget, for me, it's the 90's. Horrible, horrible fashion. There's trends that never seem to die, like a classic "little black dress" and pearls (thank you Audrey). One thing seems to remain true though, and that, is that there's no age limit when it comes to fashion. 

 Belle is almost 2, which quite frankly drives me crazy the more I think about it. She, is a fashion DIVA. I swear, she has more clothes than Jordan and I combined. People often ask me "why does your daughter have cuter clothes than I do"? You wanna know why? People send kids gift cards for clothes all the time. Where's the gift cards for Momma?! ...I'm mostly kidding... 

 No but honestly, as much as I'd like to take credit for her fashion sense, because I mean, I'm not exactly on an episode of what not to wear, it's usually all her. When I dress her, if it's not something she's picked out for herself it's something we've picked out together. I don't buy or put her in anything she hasn't personally said she wants. You might think that's silly, but when I hold up two outfits to her and ask her which one she wants, she'll point at what she wants then grab it. She's also started to say "I want this on Bella, Mommy" Please stop growing up! 

Most of the time, her outfits are just precious.

We were channeling Han and Leia with this outfit. 

I just can't even deal with how cute her clothes are.

Apparently neither can she. 

Other times, it's obvious she's dressed herself without my help. Somehow it still matches, or looks really cute.

Beanie, Sweater, and Winter boots welcome, pants need not apply.

This is one of her favorite outfits...we try to not talk about this one. At least she's got matching down pat. 

Quite frequently she feels her outfit is missing her accessories of choice. Namely her fluffy sequin vest and her kitty ears. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to Belle Syn, for her love of fashion and her clear understanding of how it works. To her self expression, and her personality which is unmistakable as anything other that simply Belle. 

Till next time, 

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