Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cheer #22

You're never too old for Disney

 I am a firm believer in all things Disney. I truly do believe that Disney World is the happiest place on earth. I also believe every girl/woman wants to be a Disney princess. Disney is literally the best. 

 When I was little, I used to know every line to every Disney movie. I say when I was little, like it's not still true to this day. I think that's one reason I was really happy I had two girls. They WILL love Disney as much as I do. Not negotiable. Both of them are well on their way though. They both had Disney themes, Belle had everything Monsters Inc, because her colors were teal and green. Ary has a Sleeping Beauty theme. Like I said, I really love Disney.

Aralyn actually came home in her Aurora Dress onesie, and her blanket is supposed to be the colors of a pink sunset.

I literally have trouble keeping Belle out of her Elsa dress.

and her Rapunzel dress.

Thank God she has multiple princess Nighties.

 That's just the outfits. We have baby toys, stuffed animals, little people, bags, slippers, movies, coloring books. I'll tell you one reason I don't like Disney, their stuff is so cute and I spend way too much money on it. I love them for a lot more than their cute outfits and accessories though.

 My favorite Disney princesses are Aurora, Belle, and Ariel in that order. If I ever have another daughter (not likely) I imagine she'll have plenty to do with Ariel, since Belle has taken to well, Belle, and Ary is an Aurora girl. That's my favorite thing about Disney, it's a bridge. I'm 22 years old, but I can sit down with my girls, and watch princesses fall in love, and go on adventures. We can sing songs I sang when I was little, and learn the new ones together. Disney keeps magic alive. In more than just little kids, I know there isn't a time I can think of that I wouldn't run up to my favorite princess and hug her. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to Disney for helping every girl believe that they're a princess. For giving me memories that I can share with my babies. For reminding everyone that dreams do come true, and that magic is real. In one form or another, magic is everywhere.

Till tomorrow,

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