Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Cheer #7

Baby it's cold outside.

 It's currently 18 degrees outside. I think the warmest I saw it today was like, 24 degrees. You know how cold that is? Too cold. There are very few things I hate more than the cold, it's the absolute worst. When it hurts to go outside, I take it as I shouldn't go outside. So today, I didn't.

 Today was kind of a blessing though. I have two kids, which I've mentioned before. I have my oldest, who's almost 2, and my youngest who's just over 4 months old. Thankfully only one of them can really create a mess. However, the tiny one has decided to start attempting to roll over. Which, if you're a parent, you know is the beginning of the end. 

Heaven help me...

My house is NEVER clean. Even if I can manage to keep it clean for a few minutes while Belle is taking a nap, she wakes up, and feels the need to have nearly every toy she owns out. She especially enjoys leaving them places where I or my husband can step on them.

Don't let the innocent face sipping Starbucks fool you. She's a one child toy tornado.

 However, since I had absolutely no intention of really stepping outside my bubble of warmth, my husband and I decided it would be a shame to waste the day. So we cleaned. We cleaned the living room, the kitchen, and especially our room. Which I have a horrible feeling will somehow be dirty again when I go back in there. Even though belle hasn't been in there. Somehow, it'll be dirty.

 I rarely get the opportunity to really sit around and clean the house. I'm usually running around doing a million things. It was nice, and now, my house, and more importantly my room, is clean. And if that's not something to cheer about I don't know what is. 

 So today my CHEERS! goes to the simple fact that it was cold today, and because of that my house got cleaned. To me, that's enough to make me happy. 

Till next time, 

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