Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cheer #18

Gigi, Nani, Papa, Poppy.

 Football is about to come on, and overly seasoned chicken(pretty sure it's ruined) is cooking in the oven. Jordan's at work today, which is cool, tonight's a money making night. Anyway, I'm hangin out with the girls again. Hopefully Belle will watch some football with me.

 So I'm assuming most of you have had a conversation with a toddler over the phone. If you haven't it's a lot of "huh?" "oh, ok baby" "give the phone back to mommy now ok baby". With Belle it's not quite as bad. I'm not just saying that because she's my kid. She's actually not terrible to have a conversation with. She's extremely loquacious, although most children her age are. 

 With Belle though, it's not all just babbling. She's almost two now, and can talk in relatively well spoken sentences. She'll take the phone from Jordan or Myself and run off to talk to whomever it is. She'll usually tell you what she's doing, occasionally she'll tell you what she sees in books. You get a lot of Hi, and I Lah Lah. All in all though, she's a pretty pleasant conversationalist. 

 There's a few people though, that never get tired of her babbling their ear off. In person or over the phone. Hint: it's not Jordan or Myself. It is however, her grandparents. Her Gigi has been gone for almost a week, and during that week has continually called just to say hi and listen to her chat. Every morning for the past 4 days, Jordan's Dad and his wife have answered calls from around 7 am their time. I swear they sound more excited everyday, and anytime my dad sees her, he'll sit with her on his lap and just listen to her.

 Grandparents are the best, and tonight my CHEERS! goes to Belle's grandparents. For being amazing. For always listening to her talk her toddler talk, and for loving her to pieces. 

Till Tomorrow,

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