Sunday, January 25, 2015

Cheer #25

You can't have that dog here.

 Say hello to Bamboo. She's a beautiful Red Nose Pitbull. She is also, not with me at the moment. Almost 10 months ago, I had to say goodbye to her. It was one of the hardest things I've done. She's my baby, and I love her. 

 When I left Tennessee, I had to leave her, too. Partly, because I was going on a greyhound bus to get back to Virginia. Mostly, because people are ignorant. Looking for places to live with a Pit is frustrating, to say the least. They hear that you have a pitbull and suddenly the mood of the conversation shifts. God forbid your kids are around when you mention your dogs breed. I've had more than one person ask me how I can let my children around pits. It's actually a pretty simple process, I put my child down next to her, and that's pretty much it. 

 There's no vicious mauling, there's no locking jaw. There's usually just Bamboo, licking whatever microscopic bits of food Belle has attached to her, and then Bamboo looking up at me as Belle uses her as a horse. My dog would actually probably help you rob the house before she would bite you. However, because she's got a fat, square head. No one wants her around. To which I say, Rude. 

 Pitbulls are literally the best dogs ever. ESPECIALLY if you have kids. Do your research if you haven't. Pits used to be commonly used as NANNY dogs. 

That would be two puppies and their mom keeping my sick 2 month old company while she slept. Usually, I couldn't keep them from snuggling with her. It just didn't happen.

 This isn't supposed to be post with me on my soapbox defending pits, I just miss my dog and wish people wouldn't judge her. There are not bad dogs, there are just bad owners. Ok, ok, I'm getting off my soapbox now.

 Today's post is really about gratitude. Yes it's true, my dog is not here with me. Which breaks my heart every day. She's not gone though. I didn't have to give her away, I just had to say goodbye for a bit. However, very soon, I will get my dog back. 

 Today my CHEERS! goes to my amazing brother-in-law; who, bless him, has been dog sitting my goofy baby for me. For 10 long months he's taken care of her. He's fed her and kept her warm. He even recently bailed her out of doggy jail after she ran off. If it wasn't for Andy, I wouldn't even have my baby anymore. So while she's far away, I'll have her back soon. That day can not come soon enough. 

Till next time,

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