Monday, January 26, 2015

Cheer #26

I'm not super mom

 A fact, I am reminded of at least once a day. Earlier this afternoon, the girls decided to both melt down at the same time. Let me tell you how excited I was. Spoiler Alert: I wasn't. As a mother of two, meltdowns are something I've learned to accept.

 I usually get frazzled when they're both screaming. One I can handle with relative ease. Two sends my anxiety through the roof. So, dealing with it calmly is something I've been working on. Today actually went pretty well. I changed Ary, threw her bottle in the microwave, mixed it all up and threw some chicken in for Belle. At this point Aralyn might be having her arm amputated, at least she thinks so. Belle is underfoot and I'm probably going to trip on her trying to get this bottle into Ary's face. Why can't I have Mr. Fantastic's powers. How about Go go extendo arm? No, well damn. 

 Eventually without the aid of dark magic, I manage to get Belle sat down with food and Aralyn has a bottle in her face. Touchdown, right? Wrong. Aralyn's swing's batteries are dead, and the only thing keeping her half asleep is me rocking her swing. What's that I hear though? Of course, Belle's done eating and needs to get down. At this point it's really the lesser of two evils. I decide to get Belle down before she gets loud. When I stop rocking Ary she wakes up, oh boy. Luckily, it appears the worst is over. 

 My job is usually a choice of which one can wait longer. Or, which one's crying is less bearable today. Which sounds really bad, but honestly, unless I'm suddenly introduced to high levels of gamma rays, or find a green lantern ring, or become a billionaire and can buy a nanny, I mean super powers; one of the girls is going to have to wait. I try to alternate between the two, but occasionally one of them just really needs my attention more. 

 Eventually though, I do get them both taken care of, and the crying stops, if only for a few minutes. I might not be a super mom, but I'm a pretty good mom. My kids don't complain, and if they do, I don't hear it because talking isn't exactly their strong suit.

 So tonight my CHEERS! goes to NOT being a super mom. It teaches Belle to be patient when I need to take care of Ary. It helps me get over my anxiety quicker. I don't need to be a super mom. I just need to be Belle and Ary's mom, and I'm pretty good at that.

Until tomorrow,

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