Friday, January 23, 2015

Cheers #23

What's that mean?

 My girls have unique names. There's Eribella Syn, and there's Aralyn Eir. I often get told that they have interesting names, which is true. However, I rarely get asked what their names mean. Some names, are just names. Some parents really like a specific name just because it's pretty, which is true for me. However I chose my girls names not only because they were pretty, but because they had a lot of meaning behind them. 

 Today I had an old friend comment on their names, and for the first time in a while I got to explain what they mean. So I decided tonight to do the same on my blog. 

 Eribella, I personally think is just the prettiest name ever. It was something I came up with when I was younger. Since it popped into my head, I've wanted to name my daughter that. Let me tell you how excited I was when I found out I was having a girl. Jordan thankfully was completely on board with her name. It's pronounced like it's spelled. It's not ARAbella it's ERIbella. Think Air uh bella. Well we started looking into the meaning of it, and we found out that in Italian "Eri Bella" means you were beautiful. Then came the middle name. 

 Here's where I usually get the dirty looks and questions. Why would you name her Syn, are you saying she's a sin. Here's the answer, yes and no. Eribella was conceived out of wedlock. Which according to the church is a sin. We knew then, that her name would have a very deep meaning. My daughter is not a sin, my daughter is everything good in the world, and you won't tell me otherwise. However, she was conceived "out of sin". Which is where her name really gets it's meaning. Yes we had sex before marriage which is a "sin", but from that came something beautiful. It was a beautiful sin. 

 Before we found out Aralyn was a girl, we honestly thought the opposite. So we had a lovely name picked out for what we thought was a boy. I think that's my only problem with not having a boy. He would have had an amazing name. We had chosen Orion Tyr. Orion because Jordan has always felt a special connection with the constellation Orion and Tyr who was Thor's brother. He was a very powerful god of war, who did a lot of good in his life. My son's name would have literally translated to "Hunter War God", and if that's not a manly name I don't know what is. As we all know, it turned out to be a girl. 

 We decided that we really wanted to give her a Norse name as well. When we were looking up names we actually stumbled upon the Norse Goddess Syn, totally not even kidding. Syn was the Norse Goddess of truth. So Eribella's name also means you were beautiful truth. Anyway, back to Aralyn. 

 Aralyn Eir, also in my opinion just one of the most beautiful names ever. Aralyn is a Fey (fairy) Queen. She is said to be one of the most beautiful women in existence. She also happens to have dominion over flora. Which actually even ties into Aralyn's sleeping beauty theme. We decided on the name Eir (pronounced like air) because she was the Norse Goddess of healing. She also happened to use a flower called the "Eirflower" to help her in her healing. Which in case you haven't already figured out, ties into the fey queen with dominion over flora. Holistic medicine is a really big thing with Jordan and I. Perhaps Aralyn will end up in that field. Which I would totally approve of. 

 To me, names are important. Names have power, and if the meaning behind those names is a powerful meaning, the name itself is equally as powerful. I want the girls to understand why their names are what they are. I hope one day they understand just how much thought Jordan and I put into their names. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to inquisitive people, that take the time to ask me what my girls names mean. To people that don't just assume I named my daughter Syn for some devious reason. Also to names that are not only original, but meaningful. Names that children can be proud of. 

Until next time, 

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