Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Cheer #14

Girl Time

 Mostly my girl time looks like this

I love this, it's the best. 

Occasionally however, my girl time looks like this.

THis is pretty awesome too. 

 I love my girl friends. They're the best. I usually get to hang out with them pretty frequently, but not so often, just "us girls". As a wife and mother of 2, my whole family is usually involved. Or at the very least, I have someone watching the girls, and Jordan and I go hang out with our friends. 

 I really like going out like that, hanging out with other couples is always great. You have things in common, there's always teams, it's nice. However, I, like most women, really appreciate girl time.

 My husband is amazing. Like really amazing. He really understands my need to hang out with my girlfriends, sans him. I don't know if most guys are like that, but my guy is. He never heckles me about hanging out with my girls, and will usually watch one if not both of the girls. 

 It's so nice, spending time with a friend. Especially one you can be candid with. Just hang out with. Be it sitting around and doing nothing, or going out for coffee and shopping. It's especially nice to have someone who understands that need. Someone who isn't grouchy about it, but encourages it. 

 Some days I just can't even with the girls. I'm at my wits end, I don't want to deal with them at that particular moment in time, whatever the case may be. It's amazing to have someone who let's me get a few minutes away, who let's me just go have some girl time with girls my age, and not girls that I raise.

 So today my CHEERS! goes to two things. First and foremost, my husband. For being the best and letting me get away from it all. It also goes to my girlfriends, for being that escape, for talking about girly things with me. For being the girls I enjoy spending my time with most, other than Belle of course.

Till next time, 

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