Friday, January 2, 2015

Cheer #2

                   Good friends are hard to come by.

 I move, a lot. Since I moved out of my mom's house when i was 18, I can't count on both hands and feet how many places I've lived. I've moved to Tennessee twice, with two different people, and to two different parts. So it's safe to say it's hard to keep in close contact with some of my friends. However, the good friends, they always find a way.

 This year with taxes I'll be moving again. By that, I mean I have lost my mind and am DRIVING cross country with my Husband, 23 month old and my 6 month old. Oh and a giant pitbull who seems to think she's a lap dog. (spoiler: she's not). I will be moving all the way to Washington state. My husband is going to commercial diving school, and the best one is in Washington. So off we go, to a state with a timezone 3 hours behind the one I currently live in...that sounds like fun, right? Right.

 I have friends strewn across the country. Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, California, and thankfully Washington. At least I'll know someone. which makes the move slightly less daunting. Anyway, back to somehow maintaining all these cross country friendships.

 I've always been one who really thrives around people. An introvert, I'm not. (p.s. writing a blog with a toddler crawling on you is no easy task). I love my friends, they mean the world to me. Which is why I'm so glad I have such good ones. One's that I've known since high school, one's I've met in more recent years. The one's I still have though, have not only passed the test of time, but distance. 

 So today, I'm offering a big CHEERS! to all my friends. The ones who stick by me, who put up with me, who love me. Ayanna, for being the single most uplifting person to be around, EVER. She's always there for me, with some words of encouragement, and always makes me smile. To Ray, who knows I have kids, and still lets me come over with them, especially the tornado known as Terribella. To my absolute best friend Anna, for just existing. To Erich, for keeping me motivated to find a new job. To Jazzy, who may be far away, but always feels like she's right down the street. To Dakota Rae, who may in fact be the worst texter in existence, but an amazing friend none the less. Maryann, for being one of the best and most present Aunties my girls have. Kendra, for being the Nutella to my Toast. And last but not least my husband Jordan, who is my best friend, unfortunately for him, he's stuck with me. Muahahahaha.

 You guys are all so amazing and wonderful. You all deserve so much more than just a Cheer, but for now that's what you're getting. Like it or lump it. I hope to keep you in my life for years to come, because it's true, good friends ARE hard to come by. Somehow I've managed to find myself a pretty good bunch. 

Till next time, 

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