Sunday, January 11, 2015

Cheers #11

You should get a hobby.

The Patriots won, yay! So tonight I don't have to worry about what's on T.V. I can just halfway focus on the Golden Globes, Blog and wait for my cupcakes to cool.

 Back when my husband was working, I was home all day, pregnant and watching Eribella. I was so bored. It sucks being home alone all day. So he told me to get a hobby to help pass the day. I thought it sounded like a good idea, anything to stop every day from being the same. 

 I decided to try my hand at baking. Not just like, cake mixes though. No, if I was going to bake, it was going to be from scratch. Which is kind of funny, since I just made a box mix cupcake. USUALLY though, I make things from scratch. I started off really simple. 

These are super delicious copy cat cheddar bay biscuits.

Then came the shower of Cookies

I especially love the one on the top row in the middle, it's the single most distressed cookie I've ever made.

Look how upset it looks!

So for a while, I stuck to simple things, every once in a while I would just completely mess up, and it would suck. For the most part though, I wasn't too bad at it. Even when I messed up, I could usually turn it around and make something out of it.

 Then...came the cakes.

That delicious looking pastry is a Caramel Apple Coffee Cake, let me tell you, it was amazing. 

However, my biggest baking endeavor to date was THIS!

That, is an entirely from scratch birthday cake for my husband. 
It's a double layer sponge cake, with macerated strawberries that i glazed down myself, with a home made whipped cream frosting. With dark chocolate curls. which was the only thing I didn't make.

 I know, I know, try not to drool. 

I love to bake. I really do. It's become more than a hobby at this point. I actually plan to eventually start my own business. So tonight, my CHEERS! goes to my husband, for encouraging me to get a hobby, that turned out to be one of my favorite things to do now, and a potential business opportunity. 

I'm gonna go eat my cupcakes now, Until next time, 

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