Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cheer #76

Tonight is St. Patrick's day! Which of course means all my CHEERS! are going to be over drinks with my husband.

I hope everyone is having a great evening! Everyone's Irish tonight so party it up. Please everyone be safe and though. Don't drink and drive. It's not worth it.

Till tomorrow,

Monday, March 16, 2015

Cheer #75

Happy accident.

I'm cutting it close tonight. I almost forgot, because I've been so busy painting.

So I decided to paint some shoes for Brayden and Belle, I mentioned it a few posts back. Well I've been showing people progress on the woody and buzz shoes I did for Bray. Apparently people think I'm really good.

So I decided to post that I was painting shoes on a Facebook group I'm in. Within the hour I had 7 orders. I can not believe the response. Not only do people like my work, they want to pay me for it. People are trusting me to make gifts for them or their loved ones. That's pretty amazing.

So since I got a bunch of orders I ran to Walmart to grab a pair of shoes and stock up on paint. I came home and immediately started painting. That is, after I ran back out for the stuff I forgot.

I never thought that making some shoes for my kiddos would have me looking at 95 dollars in orders. It's crazy, but I feel really blesses right now.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to the opportunity I've just been given. I can't wait to fill out the orders that are coming in. I'm so excited. This is going to be a lot of fun.

Until tomorrow,

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cheer #74

More like her.

I aspire to be more like Belle. Yes, my two year old. Honestly though, I would love to be more like her. Who wouldn't want someone to change them and feed them. Plus, naps? Count me in.

No but, in all honesty I wish I could be as innocent as Belle. She's such a wonderful tiny human. She loves to smile and dance. When I'm having a bad day, and she asks to listen to shake it off and we dance together. She has no concept of my bad day, she just wants to dance. She wants to dance, with me none the less.

The simple things in life make her happy. She won't let you leave the house without asking you for a hug and kiss. She loves to cuddle. She's such a pure soul. She doesn't see the bad in things. Who wouldn't aspire to be like that.

I love that the stress that burdens me never reaches her. I love that even if I'm having a bad day, she doesn't know, and still wants to cuddle, or dance, or sing with me. If everyone had the innocence of a two year old the world would be a better place.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to Belle. For making me see that I should enjoy the simple things. That sometimes, you just need to dance. And that there's always good to be found in your day.

Till tomorrow,

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cheer #73

You better shape up.

So I don't think I've mentioned it, but I will be going to warped tour this July. I am so insanely stoked. I've actually never been, and I can not wait to go.

Going to warped tour in July at the beach, means I really need to kick my workout into high gear. I really want to be able to look good when I go. So I've decided to shape up, and get back in shape. I'm really going to try and stay on it. I have a goal and a time frame in which I need to meet that goal.

I went out and got everything I could think of to work out. I got a yoga ball and weights. A few different DVD's including a 30 day shred and a dance workout. I got waist, thigh and arm trainers. Lastly, I got new yoga shorts, sports bras, shoes and socks. Everything I could think of.

Tonight I worked out and broke a sweat. It was nice. I really do like working out, it just takes me a little bit to get back in the swing of it. I'm also trying to eat healthier. At least, to the best of my abilities. Less junk, more fruit and veggies.

I really plan to stick to it this time. I want to be able to wear what I want to, when I go to warped tour. I need to be in shape for that to happen, though.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to restarting my workout. I'm really going to push myself this time, I can't wait to see the results.

Till tomorrow,

Friday, March 13, 2015

Cheer #72

Time to decorate

I love decorating my house. I absolutely hate white walls. Although, most people my age who are married and or have kids. Or both, tend to decorate with family pictures, mirrors, wall decor. Jordan and I decorate with posters.

It honestly looks like college kids decorated our house. There are posters everywhere now. I love it. We went to spencers today and bought way too many posters. It was awesome. We got all different kinds. Now they're everywhere, and I couldn't be happier.

Jordan decorated like this before he met me. I happened to like posters too. We have a massive collection in Tennessee. When we get it here we could probably wallpaper the apartment. Have it looking like a angsty teenagers room. Complete with fuzzy velvet posters.

Now this isn't saying I don't want family pictures on the wall. I have pictures, I just need frames for them. Once I do that I'll gladly put up pictures of the girls everywhere. I also can't wait to get my flags back. I love having flags all over the walls and ceilings too.

Every house Jordan and I have had we decorate like this. It's not exactly conventional, but it makes us happy, so what else really matters. If we want to hang posters, flags and blankets on the wall then so be it.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to making our house feel more like our place. The walls are no longer bare. It feels far more homey. I can't wait to get more and continue on decorating.

Till next time,

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Cheer #71


I consider myself a do it yourselfer. By no means am I over here making a self sustaining green house, but simple crafty stuff? Count me in.

I'm currently painting some shoes for Belle and Brayden. My friend Melissa started doing it, and while I'd love to buy a pair from her, I decided to try and do it myself. Sometimes my d.i.y. turns out wonderfully, other times it looks like Pinterest fails.

It's more than just crafty thing though. I like to build things if I can. Make things myself. Jordan and I made a tattoo machine that I used to do my first tattoo. I like to try and do things on my own. Things like my hair. Some styles are beyond my reach, but my root touch up and dip dye was easy enough to do on my own.

I think everyone should try and do things on their own. You never know, you could discover some crazy hidden talent. Always try new things, and if you fail miserably? There's someone on etsy who doesn't that you can buy it from (:

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to doing things yourself. Trying it. Be it coloring your own hair crazy colors, or painting your kids shoes. Try it, you could be amazing.

Till tomorrow,

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Cheer #70


Today I finally met my mom's boyfriend.

Boy is that a weird sentence to write. My parents have been divorced for years and years, so it's not like her dating is news to me. However, she's been with James for a lotta years, and I finally met him today.

So the reason I'm just now meeting him is because he's been in California for work. Otherwise I imagine I'd have met him sooner. It was kinda weird though I must say. My mom's never introduced me to one of her boyfriends before.

He was nice. Very quiet, I imagine from the jet lag. He seems to really like my mom, and that makes me happy. I like seeing my mom happy. We all sat down, had pizza, and laughed at Belle's attempt to flirt, but be extremely aloof at the same time.

I'm really glad after I believe 3 years, I finally got to meet the famous James. It's nice to see my mom smile like that. I'm glad he's here with her.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to James. For being pretty awesome. It was nice to finally meet you James. You're a really nice guy.

Until next time,

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cheer #69

Just relax.

Some days are tougher than others. Some days just, aren't my day. For one reason or another, a day is exhausting.

If you didn't already guess, today was exhausting. Belle was ornery today. Also, Jordan and I were supposed to be able to spend the day together, and he ended up having to run errands all day.

I think Belle's still getting used to the new place and it just being us. She's getting better but it's still tough some days. Some times I just have no patience for it. Everyone has those days as a mom. At least I tell myself that to feel better.

However, both of the kids are asleep now, and I'm coloring. I'm coloring a very elaborate velvet poster. It's actually extremely relaxing. I really want to get one of the stress relieving coloring books. I think I would spend a lot of time coloring.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to my markers and fuzzy poster, for letting me get lost in the designs and away from my stressful day. It's the simple things in life.

Till next time,

Monday, March 9, 2015

Cheer #68

Family outing.

Tonight we went to dinner as a family, and there wasn't a meltdown or anything. We were able to eat without a problem. If you have young children you know how hard that can be sometimes.

  Not only did we get through dinner without any problem, it was past her normal bed time too. Which is usually either a pleasant experience, or one with lots of tears and a red eyebrowed belle.

We rarely go out the 4 of us. Usually it's 2 or 3 at the most. My mom would watch Aralyn, or Jordan would watch her while belle and I went out. It's not that we don't like taking her places, but when they're under a year they're kind of a hassle to take places.

Honestly it usually takes more time to get everything and every one ready, and packed in and out of the car, than it does to run errands. So not only is all four of us going out a rarity, but having it go off without a hitch is amazing.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to getting to go out with my little family, as just us. I love my tiny family.

Till tomorrow,

Cheer #67 (late)

Sorry I'm late again.

Not having the internet and having to do this on my phone makes it harder for me to remember. I have a terrible memory, and usually seeing my computer reminds me to blog.

Plus it was daylight savings time yesterday and I lost an hour of sleep. So yesterday was annoying.

Besides daylight savings time, it was also the day after our sleepover, so we had friends here for most of the day. It's really nice having couple friends. Jordan and I usually have trouble finding couples to hang out with. 

Not that hanging out with people who don't have significant others isn't fun. We hang out with single people too. It's just nice, you can play couple games, and go out on double dates.

Today my CHEERS! goes to having married friends. Being able to go out and do things with other people as couples. It's a luxury I'm not used to and it's nice.

Till later tonight,

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Cheer #66


Who says only kids can have sleepovers.

Tonight I'm having a sleepover. Anna and Maliyah, Ray and Roberto are spending the night. It's awesome. Even Ayanna stopped by.

I love my friends to death. I also love that they come to visit me so much. I've been informed since I'm staying in the area, that they are taking advantage of the time they have.

Tonight we did the usual sleepover activities. We made a whole bunch of food and didn't even eat it all. We drank lots of soda (with jack) and we all sat around telling stories and coloring. Not even kidding 4 adults sat around in a circle and colored velvet posters. Oh, and we played taboo.

I still can't get over that I can have any one over I want, at any time, for any length of time. Having our own place is the best ever.

We're all relaxing now, because some of us, namely Anna and I have to get up with kids. We're so cool.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to my sleepover with my friends. Even adults need to just go sleep over at a friends some times.

Till next time,

Friday, March 6, 2015

Cheer #65


I try to avoid adulting for the most part. I decorate in posters, and coloring book pages. I eat dinosaur nuggets and shapes Mac n cheese. Every once in a while though, I do grown up things.

As you know, my carpets were fixed yesterday and so today I was tasked with putting the utilities in my name. Something I've never done. This place is a lot of firsts for me.

When I moved in here, I had no real credit to speak of. Now I have an apartment and two bills in my name. I was supposed to get internet and cable today too. I just didn't want to listen to sales pitches. In between getting bills started I put a giant dent in our laundry. I also got our bathroom in working order.

Today was incredibly productive. It was really nice to get things done. However, I'm over adulting for the evening. So I'm going to eat cookie dough and watch harry potter.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to adulting and being productive. It's fun to have lazy days, but it's wonderful to have a productive day. I got a lot done and I'm pretty happy about it.

Till next time,

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cheer #64

Please be the last snow.

Dear winter, please stop it. It's March, and we're all over the snow.

Today we finally got our carpets finished! I'm so happy! We finally have our entire apartment. No more fans, no more bunched up carpet. It's wonderful. I'm so excited to be done with all the carpet shenanigans.

We hung out today, on account of the snow, Jordan couldn't even go to work. We definitely got snowed in. However, we were smart and went to Walmart last night and stocked up on movies and food. Oh, and wine.  It was nice to be snowed in the day our carpet got fixed. Now belle is more than happy to run around the apartment.

Today was the first day that we didn't have any visitors. So it was our first full day alone in our apartment. It was nice. I really can't wait to decorate.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to the gentleman that gave us our apartment back. Also to our first snow day in our new apartment.

Till next time,

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Cheer #63


4 years ago today Brayden Elijah came into the world. ...wow that makes me feel old.

I can remember the day Anna called me and told me she was pregnant. I remember feeling him kick me for the first time. And I remember the first time I ever held him.

Jordan and I look at him as the son we didn't have. He's just as much our baby as Belle and Ary. He may drive us nuts some days, but I wouldn't trade him for anything. He's the best nephew ever and I'm so glad to be his auntie.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to you Bray bear. Happy birthday baby, thank you for all the laughs, and hugs, and kisses. I love you 5 ever little boy.

Till tomorrow,

Cheer #62 (late)

It finally happened. I missed a day. I can't believe 62 days in I finally didn't post. I woke up this morning, realized that I forgot to post yesterday, muttered a few obscenities and tried to remember why I forgot last night.

I woke up yesterday to find that my pipes had yet again burst and my floors that had finally dried were once again wet. Thankfully the apartment is keeping the electricity on in their name. So at least I'm not paying for the dreadful fans on 24/7.

Then, we had to get the rest of our stuff out of my moms house. So my already crowded apartment with fans and lifted carpet was filled with moving boxes. I hate moving it's so stressful.

However, Ray came over. She helped me get everything moved around and put up for the time being. So at least it was only loud and not really crowded. She hung out for a while which was nice. When she left I was just exhausted. Poor Jordan had a tooth ache. So we ended up turning in early. We're some cool kids.

Yesterday's CHEERS! go to Ray. For coming over and helping me get everything situated. Also for helping me de-stress.

Till later tonight,

Monday, March 2, 2015

Cheer #61


Today was relatively uneventful.

Not much happened, other than my mom coming by. It was nice though. Today, I finally started to feel a little more comfortable in our place. We're still sleeping in our living room and the carpet's still up in our room and part of the living room. There's still fans, but it's ok. Because it's my place. It's so nice to think about.

I really enjoy having a place of our own. It just makes me happy. It's nice to be out on our own. Belle is finally getting used to the place, and to having her own room. She's still fussy, but it's never been just us. I imagine it'll pass.

Everything is still kinda disheveled, I don't mind though. Eventually we'll move into the bedroom and get everything sorted and it will be even better than it is now.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to getting used to my new place. Getting comfortable and realizing that it really is my place. I can enjoy it.

Till next time,

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Cheer #60

Happy March everyone. I can't believe I'm 60 days into this blog now. Crazy how time flies.

I'm currently listening to the loud hum of giant fans that are trying to dry out my carpet. Here in a day or two we should have dry carpets. I really hope it's sooner rather than later. These fans are annoyingly loud. However, loud fans is a small price to pay for use of my bedroom. At least this is most definitely not our fault.

Today was also my Brayden's birthday party at chuck e cheese. Mmmm cake. I wish I could post pictures on my mobile app, but it always crashes when I upload pics. It was nice to see Bray and let him and Belle hang out together and play games. Did I mention there was cake? Because there was cake.  Sheet cake is my favorite. It's a major weakness.

Not only did I get to see Anna today, I also got to see Rachel who is still hanging out at my house, and Ayanna stopped by. This having your own house thing is awesome. I can't wait to move my bed out of the living room, though.

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to the maintenance people who were here first thing in the morning to fix my carpets. Also, to all my friends who came to visit today, you're amazing and I love you all.

Till tomorrow,

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Cheer #59

Today is moving day! It has been extremely stressful and one of my pipes burst, and my room is flooding.

Thankfully emergency maintenance is on the way. Also, my support system is with me so I've somehow staved off a panic attack.

Sorry for the short post, you'll have to forgive me.

Tonight my CHEERS! Goes to my new apartment, burst pipes or not, it's mine. It also goes to my girls for helping us move in. Anna, Ray, you're the best. Lastly it goes to my mom who has watched the girls for me all day and night while we moved.

Till next time,

Friday, February 27, 2015

Cheer #58

Girls Day

 Today I had a girls day at the house with Rachel and Anna. Today was also the last day before I move into my own place. Basically today was awesome.

 I love these girls to death. Today was a really good day. I colored my hair Red and Fuchsia, which looks awesome. We had quite a few margaritas and ate pizza that was 2 hours late, and thus free.

 I'm so glad I have girl friends to spend time with. I always have the best time with them. I was going to miss them so much, however now that I'm staying here I foresee quite a few girls days in our future. 

 Today everything was awesome *insert lego movie reference*. I couldn't have asked for a better day or better girls to spend it with.

 My CHEERS! goes to my lovely girls, and the amazing day I had with them. I can't wait until next weekend when we do it at my new apartment.

Till next time,

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Cheer #57

Retail Therapy

 I am only a woman, and sometimes a woman needs to shop.

 It's been a very long few days for me. So today I decided I needed some retail therapy. My amazing husband was nice enough to not only say yes, but agree to yet again watch Brayden, Belle and Aralyn while Anna, Maliyah and I hit the mall. Have I mentioned how much I love him?

 He tends to send Anna and I to the mall together. He doesn't believe in sending me out for fun by myself. So Anna and I got to run around the mall and blow money today. It was really nice. I love shopping with her. She's my best friend and I know she'll be honest when we're shopping together. 

 Not only did we go hang out and shop around the mall, we also went out and got stuff to do our hair. When she comes over tomorrow, my house is going to smell like a salon. I'm so excited, I love doing my hair and once again Anna and I tend to do our hair together too. In case you haven't noticed we pretty much do everything we can together. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to good ol' retail therapy. I feel better, and have new outfits and stuff to do my hair. Sometimes a woman just needs to shop with her best friend and then everything's right with the world.

Till next time,

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cheer #56

Today, has been a very long day. I'm actually currently hanging out with a good friend at her new apartment. I can't wait to be able to hang out at my new apartment. I'm writing this on my phone, which is probably how I'm going to have to start blogging until I get internet in my new place.

Tonight is weird, and I apologize. However my CHEERS! goes to Ayanna and her new apartment. I'm so excited for you boo, and I can't wait to have you over to mine.

Till tomorrow,

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cheer #55

A sudden change.

 Change of plans. Due to unforeseen circumstances, isn't that how it always is. Anyway, we've decided it's in our best interest to stay in Virginia.

 Jordan and I had a very long discussion last night, and came to the decision that since we're finally on our feet to stick around here and save money. So that this time next year, we'll move out to Washington and continue on with the plan.

 So today we decided to go apartment shopping. We found one. We're so excited. We also found out that we got approved and can move in on Saturday. I'm so beyond stoked.

 It's crazy how quickly life changes. Jordan and I really think this is a better decision for our family though. We're going to have a year to be here and save and get everything situated to move next year. I just can't believe we're finally getting our own place, for the first time since we moved out of the one bedroom we had before we got married. 

 I can't wait to move in and finally have a place of my own. Today was amazing and I'm so thankful that everything we hoped to accomplish today we did. This is going to be the longest 4 days ever.

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to a change of plans for the better. I'm so excited to start this new journey with Jordan and still be able to be close to my friends and family. 

Until tomorrow,

Monday, February 23, 2015

Cheer #54

Good to Me.

 I was always told to be with someone who was good to me. Someone who loved me, and cared for me. Someone who treated me like a princess. Lucky for me I found that. 

 Today Anna came to see me. She brought over Brayden and Maliyah, so that Belle could play with Brayden, seeing as it's been a while. This was supposed to have happened yesterday, but unforeseen circumstances arose.  However, today everything went as planned and she came over to spend the day and let the kids play.

Cuteness ensued.

Watching these two together is probably one of my favorite things, after watching Belle and Ary interact. 

  Anna and I however were not around to witness the cuteness first hand. Shortly after Anna got here Jordan decided it would be best if he watched the three older ones and Anna, Maliyah and I went and saw our movie. 

 So off we went. It was so unexpected and a lovely surprise. I knew when I met Jordan that I had found a good guy. I think one of my favorite things about him though is he's good to my best friend too. If he sends me on a shopping spree, he sends her too. Two years ago, he got us both massages for valentines day. He treats me by myself sometimes, but more often than not he sends us both out. He's amazing to both of us, which really just makes him even more perfect.

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to my amazing husband. Who is not only good to me, but good to my friends too. Who loves my friends and treats them well, too. He's an amazing and giving person and I love him so much. 

Until next time, 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Cheer #53

Always be kind.

 The old saying goes, you catch more flies with honey, than you do with vinegar. Such an extremely true statement.

 So tonight Jordan and I went out to dinner at Chili's. We sat in the bar and had a couple of drinks and an appetizer. We decided however, to get our dinner to go. We ordered, and paid, someone brought us out or to go food, and we left. 

 When we got home we pulled out our food to sit down and eat. However, none of our food had any sides. It was just the burgers. So I decided to go ahead and call back and let them know what had happened. I got put on the phone with a manager and he apologized all over himself, and offered to send me some meal vouchers. To which I said thank you and gave him my address. 

 Unfortunately I didn't get to sit down and eat even after the phone call. Jordan took out his burger to find nothing but a blob of melted pepper jack cheese that looked unsavory at best. We decided maybe we should go back to Chili's and just have our money refunded.

 When we got there we waited a few minutes, and were met by the manager. We explained why we had decided to come in. We had a really nice conversation, and came to the conclusion that we would only like the to go items removed from our bill. I also told him that since he was removing those items he didn't have to send me the vouchers we had already talked about. 

 When he came back he thanked us both, for "coming in and talking to him, instead of just yelling at him over the phone". He then handed us our comped bill. Which I discovered was not just our to go items, but our entire bill. He also handed me 30$ in food vouchers. He shook both of our hands, thanked us both for being nice enough to talk to him and not just yelling. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to being kind, and having good things happen to you when you're kind. Always remember to be kind and try to remain level headed, even when you're upset. People react better to kindness, so try to always show everyone you encounter kindness.

Until next time, 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Cheer #52

Snow day.

 So today we had yet another snow day. It wasn't supposed to be much, but it turned out to be a good 4 or 5 inches. Now, it's icing. The roads are going to be lovely tomorrow. 

 Today was a really awesome day, I was supposed to help my friend move but because the snow crept in early, that didn't happen. Instead Jordan and I decided it would be a great idea to go out in the thick of it for video games at game stop. Also, for KFC, because, it's delicious. 

 Jordan didn't have to go to work today because the roads were bad. So I got to spend the whole day with him. Which recently is a rare occurrence. Nothing went wrong today. Nothing bad happened. Today was just all in all a really awesome day. Plus I got one of my all time favorite video games, which makes me extremely happy. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to this awesome snow day. I'm so glad I got to spend a stress free day with my family. It was a wonderful day. I hope everyone else had a great day too.

Until tomorrow,

Friday, February 20, 2015

Cheer #51

Please stop growing up.

 I never expected kids this young. Or at all in complete honesty. Jordan and I weren't supposed to be able to have children, yet here I am, two beautiful girls later.

 I feel like I've blinked and they're grown. It's so upsetting. Every day Belle gets more vocal. You can understand more, of what she says. She's becoming more and more self sufficient. Which is honestly really nice. It's wonderful to have her be able to not only do things on her own, but help me do things around the house. 

 While it's nice that she's getting bigger, it's maddening. I want them to stay little forever. Aralyn is wiggling around the floor desperately trying to crawl. When she's not trying to crawl she stands up in her walker all day. It feels like just yesterday I was in the hospital having her. 

 Belle is almost two, which makes me want to cry. She's my baby, yet she's almost at my hip. She helps me do dishes, and change Aralyn, and throws things away. I just want her to stay my tiny huggable little baby girl.

 Watching them grow up so quickly isn't all bad though, it makes me savor the time I have with them while they're this small. It makes me appreciate every little tiny hug and kiss I get.

 So tonight my CHEERS! goes to them growing up. It sucks, but it has to happen, and watching them grow and learn makes me so grateful that I have them and get to watch them as they grow. 

Until next time, 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Cheer #50

All by myself

 Unlike in the song, I don't mind being home alone. In fact I rather enjoy spending time alone. Not because I don't like company, I love company. Sometimes it's just nice to be alone.

 Jordan is almost always at work. He'll go in to work, sometimes as early as noon and not get back home till midnight. However, since my mom is now only working on Thursdays, she is usually home with me. So recently I haven't had time to just myself. Today is Thursday though, both girls are asleep, and the house is quite. 

 I have had a relatively relaxing afternoon. Belle and Ary have been really easy today. Which is always wonderful. I haven't really done much of anything and it's been awesome. Literally, I've had cutthroat kitchen on since Jordan left. I've just been able to relax today, which I'm not going to be able to do for a little while once the second week of March comes around. 

 I'm so glad I really didn't do anything today. It's nice to just relax by myself. I don't have much to do. The house is pretty clean, and I ordered pizza so the kitchen situation isn't that bad either. So I'm pretty golden for the evening. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to my relaxing day. It's nice to just be able to take some time to myself and not worry about anything. 

Till tomorrow,

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Cheer #49

Online Shopping

 Most people hear online shopping and think Amazon, or Etsy. Obviously I would love to be shopping those places, especially Etsy, because well, it's Etsy. However, I'm doing a different kind of online shopping.

 I'm shopping for apartments in Washington. How exciting, right? Absolutely right, I love looking for places to live. I can't wait until I'm house shopping. That will be so amazing. However, for now, I'm just looking for a small two bedroom apartment. 

 I'm honestly wondering why Jordan and I haven't moved out to Washington sooner. It's crazy the difference in prices for apartments there and here in Virginia. A nice respectable 2 bed, 2 bath apartment here can go for over a grand. In Washington the lowest I've come across is like 775$ for a 2 by 2. How crazy is that? The price difference is staggering. 

 Anyway, I've been tasked with finding us somewhere to live, getting the utilities turned on, and getting everything set up, so that we have a place to land in Washington. Honestly, I shouldn't be allowed on Zillow, it's like crack to me. I'll just sit there and stare at apartments and houses that I like all day. I'm sorry, but if you don't like real estate shopping, I don't understand how or why. 

 I really love that I can look for things like apartments online now. I'm not saying it's like some crazy new invention or anything like that. It's just a matter of convenience. I can find where I'm going to live across the country, with just a touch of my fingers. Which in my book is pretty awesome. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to online shopping for apartments. I can't wait to move. The more time I spend looking for things in Washington the more I want to be there yesterday.

Until next time,

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Cheer #48


 Have you ever had a really bad fight over something stupid? Well Jordan and I had one of those today. 

 Sometimes I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I think everyone has those days. When that happens, there's a chance that Jordan and I are going to fight. Which sucks, fighting is never fun. Although I feel like never fighting is not good either. 

 If you've never fought, I'd like you to teach me your ways please. However, almost every time Jordan and I fight, it's over something silly. Some form of miss communication, or something that just really should have blown over, but somehow it didn't.

 It did happen though. No one is perfect, and it's eventually going to happen. There's going to be yelling, and tears. There always are when I'm fighting with someone. However, it ends. It always does.

 When it finally does end, things are better. Everything's usually been put out on the table after a fight. It's all finally been said, and it's usually been solved. Fights serve a purpose. At least to me they do. Yes, they're no fun, but when they're done with, I usually feel way better.

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to stupid fights. They help us grow and learn. They always end up having a purpose. They help fix things, and as much as they suck, they're a necessary evil. 

Till tomorrow,

Monday, February 16, 2015

Cheer #47


 I can't stand the snow. If it was warm, i would love it. However, since that's just not possible, I'll keep on disliking it.

 Snow like this, though, I enjoy. I'll tell you why. To me, it looks like a painting, or a picture Ansel Adams would have taken. It's not windy right now. Which is welcome after the blistering 60 mile an hour winds. Winds so bad they took the side off a brick building. It was awful. 

 There's not much noise outside right now. Not many people are daring to brave the weather. They got all their errands done before the snow hit. Note to self: next time they call for snow, go out to shop earlier or you'll have to deal with the crowds. It's so calm outside, occasionally you'll hear a twig snap, or a bird chirp. You might see a bunny run across the snow. 

 You know what you can hear though? You can hear the snow falling. It's amazing, it's just a soft noise. Something you would miss if you weren't paying attention. It's a very calming sound. Sitting outside right now is so relaxing. It's so rare that there isn't loud noise from every direction and lights everywhere. I could sit outside on a night like this and just stare. It's beautiful. 

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to this exceptionally beautiful night. I wish it didn't cause so much trouble. So for now I'm going to enjoy the beauty of silence and nature. I hope everyone stays safe and warm tonight. 

Until next time, 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cheer #46

Time with the family.

 We all know I'm leaving soon. At least anyone who's read some of my recent blog posts knows I'm leaving. Well I currently live with my mother, so that we can all spend time together before we leave. The girls love it, Belle loves her Gigi and is probably going to be heart broken when we leave. 

 My mom works two jobs, but has recently cut her hours of her second job to spend as much time with us as she can. I know that she's really going to miss the girls and like I said, I know Belle is going to be upset. She's also trying to spend time with me while she can.

 It's nice to hang out with my mom. Today, we got lost in IKEA with Belle. IKEA is so weird. I feel like every time I make it through without some of Jim Hensons puppets and David Bowie popping out in the show room is a success. 

 I really do enjoy spending time with my mom. It's nice to get to hang out with her and the girls. Especially since Jordan is always at work. I'm just soaking up as much time with everyone as I can. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to spending more time with my mom, while I have the chance to do so. You should never take family time for granted. You never know how long it's going to be until you get to again. 

Until next time,

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Cheer #45

So tonight is going to be weird. Sorry in advanced. I was gonna post a love story but my husband is out working  and I'm at a bar drunk with my best friend.

Tonight all my CHEERS! goes to my best friend for taking me out tonight and getting me drunk as all get out iloveyou so much, I'm gonna miss you when I leave baby!

Till tomorrow when I have a hangover,

Friday, February 13, 2015

Cheer #44

Let's get ready to go

 The days seem to be getting a lot shorter, and going by quicker. I hate that, it makes me feel very out of control. I'm trying to get ready to leave, and I feel like I just don't have enough time.

 The second week of March, that seems like a little while, but to me it feels like tomorrow. I'm extremely excited to move, I can't wait for this adventure. I just need to get a lot done before I can go. Honestly I probably procrastinate quite frequently, just because I don't want to deal with all of it.

 However I'm going to eventually have to get things moving, start packing, find a place get everything together. I also have to keep everything together here. Make sure there's food and diapers and formula. It's honestly exhausting. 

 I know I'll get everything done eventually. It's just a daunting task. It's ok though, because soon enough it will be done. I'll be on my way to Washington with my family, I'll have my dog, and we'll get a lot of visiting done on the way. 

 Today my CHEERS! goes to getting ready to leave. As daunting as it is, it has to be done, and once it's done it will have been well worth it. 

Until tomorrow,

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cheer #43


 Today, I'm horrifically congested. Like I can't breathe while I'm eating because I can't breathe through my nose. It's literally the worst. 

 The best part of my day has been watching Ary play in her new walker. Belle plays with her while she's in it, which Ary finds immensely entertaining. So there have been lots of baby giggles which is wonderful.

 I'd post the video, but it was too big to email apparently, which is garbage.

 I'm gonna lie down on the couch and wait for deaths icy embrace to take me (and people claim I'm dramatic...). Belle Syn is going to bed soon which is amazing, and Ary's going to pass out with a bottle. So at least I can shirk on my motherly duty when they're both asleep, right? Right. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to Ary and Belle giggles that make me smile, and Dayquil that makes it mildly easier to breathe out of one side of my nose. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better. 

Till next time, 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cheer #42

This Morning

  Last Monday morning, Belle woke up and got in bed with me. Now this is nothing new since she has a bed now. That morning however, she laid down with me and said "Mommy, cheese!". That means she wants to take a picture. Kid's got a knack for Kodak moments. That resulted in this picture. 

 Well every morning since then, she's done this. At some point in the morning, she lays down with me and asks to take a picture. Which I think is just too precious. 

 I love that every morning she wakes up and not only cuddles, but wants to take pictures with me. I love that she loves to hang out with me. I want to be my kids best friend, I want them to enjoy hanging out with me. 

 Sometimes it's the really simple things that get me. She's only going to be young for so long, and as annoying as she can be at times, I want to soak her in at this age. She's growing so quickly and I want to hold onto as much as I can of these years. If that's simply a picture every morning, then that's fine by me. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to "This morning" with my Belle. I love these special moments I get with her. I hope she loves me this much when she's a teenager. (:

Until tomorrow,

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cheer #41

In good company.

 Today started out kinda bad. Belle woke up at 6 am, and has been causing trouble all day. She's thankfully asleep now. Not only that, but I woke up with this terrible pain in my back. All day I've had this awful knot in my back that won't go away. So that was kinda lame.

 However, shortly after I finally crawled out of bed to face the world, Anna showed up with my Liyah bear. We attempted to use her to wake Jordan up, this is what we got. 

Not only did we not get one of them to wake up, the other fell back to sleep as well.

 Poor Jordan was surrounded by 5 girls. He's always a good sport about it though. He never complains, which is so nice. About two hours after Anna and Liyah got here, Rachel showed up. At that point I wouldn't have minded Jordan tapping out, 6 girls is a lot. 

 Anna ended up leaving not too long after Rachel got here though, so it wasn't for too long. We ended up going and hanging out with Rachel and her husband for a while. So all in all it was a good day. Minus the horrible back pain. 

 Today my CHEERS! goes to being in good company. To hanging out with good friends before we leave. Today was lovely. I hope yours was too.

Till next time,

Monday, February 9, 2015

Cheer #40

Treat yourself

 You are important. That fact should not be lost in times of high stress. You are important, and it is important to remember that, and occasionally treat yourself.

 Jordan and I are firm believers in treating yourself. Every time it's monetarily possible, do something nice for you. It doesn't have to be big and extravagant, I'm not telling you to go out and buy a Lexus and then be like "Well the girl on the internet said to do something nice for myself"! I am saying be kind to yourself, though.

 You do a lot. You work, you take care of your bills and responsibilities, but how often do you take care of yourself? How often do you remember to do something nice for you? I think it's healthy to do. 

 If you have a couple bucks left over, what's stopping you from getting a manicure and a bottle of wine? Why not go get that new movie or game you've been eyeballing? How about go to dinner at that restaurant everyone has been talking about? Do something nice, for yourself. 

 Like I said, it doesn't have to be big, just something you've been wanting to do. Today, Jordan and I decided to finally go out to Brixx, where I had been meaning to go with him for a while. We went just us and the girls. It was lovely. It was so nice, to just go out with my family and eat a meal together. 

 I think often people really forget how much stress really wrecks you. People get so caught up in worry that they forget about themselves. Which in turn just adds to the stress and worry. Remember to be good to yourself, there's a lot stopping you from buying a Porsche, but a bottle of wine's only a few bucks. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to treating yourself. Little things here and there. There's nothing wrong with loving yourself and buying something nice. 

Until next time, 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Cheer #39

Music Matters.

 So, The Grammy's are on tonight. Which is always an exciting night. A: for the fashion, B: for all the performances. It's safe to say I'm pretty stoked about tonight. 

 Music is a lot more than award shows, and nominations, and top 40 though. To me, music is universal. Music is everywhere, and in everything. Music is so very important. I feel like sometimes it's importance gets lost in pop culture. 

 I sing while I'm doing almost everything. Talking to Belle, probably singing. Playing with Ary, most likely singing. Cleaning the kitchen, just kidding I'm horrible at cleaning the kitchen. In the shower, absolutely singing. It's awesome, because now Belle does it too. She's constantly singing, be it Frozen songs, or singing that she loves me. 

 I feel like music is so important, because it really is everywhere. You can find a beat in anything if you look for it. You can make music on anything. I so frequently end up with some elaborate beat from drumming my fingers on a table. To me it's almost an equalizer. Anyone can make music. Maybe not everyone can make a triple platinum album, but absolutely anyone can make music. 

 There's a song in everyone's heart, and music gives people a medium to express their own personal song. I think that's beautiful. 

Tonight my CHEERS! goes to music. To the chart toppers, and the kids in their rooms singing to their favorite Disney song. Music is amazing, and we should all let our heart songs out for the world to hear. 

Until tomorrow, 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Cheer #38

I'm going to miss you.

 I hate when people tell me that. Don't get me wrong, it's sweet, and I'll miss the person too. It just sucks to hear it, it makes me feel bad that I'm leaving.

 I think missing people is the hardest part about leaving. If I didn't go because I didn't want to miss people, I would never go anywhere. So while it sucks, it has to be done. That's what cell phones and facebook, are for. 

 It really does suck to leave friends behind though. I always have a hard time leaving close friends. Especially since I have nieces and nephews here. Obviously my mom is here too, which also makes it hard to leave. Some days I wish I could just bring everyone with me that I'm going to miss. However, it's just not going to happen.

 I think it's good to miss people though. It's good to leave, and go to new places. You really appreciate someone when you're separated. It's also really awesome when they visit you and you get to show them around somewhere new. 

 I am going to miss everyone. That's just a fact. However, I'm going to do what's best for my family. I need to do this, so that drives me forward. While I don't want to leave anyone, it will just make it that much better when I get to see them again. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to missing people, and being missed. As the old saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. 

Until next time,

Friday, February 6, 2015

Cheer #37


 I'm a few weeks into working out steadily with Jordan. Sometimes, we miss a couple of days, due to us being busy. However, we're pretty good about doing it daily.

 We do arms, abs, butt and legs every time we work out. Some days, it really sucks. There are days when I'm just not in the mood to work out. I push through it though and work it all out every day. Slowly but surely, I'm getting better. 

 When we first started working out I had trouble doing almost everything. It was a struggle to get through the workout. Now, I can do it all. I can not only do it all, but I can keep up with Jordan for the most part. My muscles are sore all the time, but it's a good sore. 

 It is still hard for me to do the exercises, but that's to be expected. My body's still building muscles up. I'm getting there, though. I'm making progress, and I'm so happy. It's nice to look back at when I started and see how far I've come. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to progress. To knowing I'm moving forward. I'm happy with progress I've made. I can't wait to see the results of my hard work. 

Till next time, 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Cheer #36

Counting Down.

 So the countdown has begun. Mid March I'll be moving across the country. Talk about crazy, especially when you consider that I'm driving there. With two kids and a dog. 

 It's pretty nerve wracking, considering that the last time we tried to do this our car broke down in the middle of Ohio. Instead of getting to California, as was originally planned we ended up in Tennessee for just about a year. So we haven't had real good luck with road trips. 

 I have faith that this trip will end well. I'm so excited for a new adventure. Washington is going to be good for us. There are so many opportunities for our family, there. It's going to be a long week of traveling, and visiting family. It's exhausting to think about. It's going to be a lot of fun too, though. It will be really nice to see the family again. I'll get my dog back and the girls will get to go on an awesome adventure. 

 So yes, it's scary, but it's also thrilling. I'm so excited. It's going to suck to leave my friends and family, but I can't wait to see mine thrive in Washington. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to my impending trip. To being scared but doing it anyway. To taking that leap. I can't wait to get started on this new chapter of my life. 

Till tomorrow,

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Cheer #35

Time with Papa

 So tonight we went to dinner with my dad. It's really no secret to the people who know me that my dad and I have an interesting past. We've had our ups and our downs. There have been times we haven't really talked, but we're starting to reconnect. 

 He came and saw both girls in the hospital after they were born, however we left shortly after Belle was born, so up until now he hasn't seen too much of Belle. When he came to see Aralyn though we told him that any time he wanted, he was more than welcome to see the girls. He took us up on our offer. Which is awesome. 

 He's been present in their lives now, which is really nice. He was in the military and was gone a lot when I was a kid, and then when my parents got a divorce it put even more of a strain on our relationship. 

 He absolutely adores the girls though. He thinks they're both just wonderful. He'll sit there and listen to Belle jabber on about Elsa and Anna and about anything that pops into her head. I usually can't pry Aralyn away from his wife who has on multiple occasions offered to just keep her.

 It warms my heart to see him with the girls. To see him interact with them is wonderful. I'm so glad he loves them so much, and that they love him too. Yes him and I have had our troubles, but the girls deserve to get to know him despite our past. I'm glad we're at a point in our lives where he can spend time with them and watch them grow up before we move. 

 Tonight my CHEERS! goes to my Dad. He's a great Papa to my girls, and I love that. I'm so glad they're getting to know him, and I hope that once we move we can figure out a way to keep in touch with him for their sake. 

Until next time,

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Cheer #34

Be kind.

 I'm a big believer in Karma. I try to always be kind to people, not because it's the "right thing to do"; but because I hope that should I ever be in this situation, someone would be kind enough to do the same.

 If I'm able to help somebody, I feel like I should. Both good and bad Karma come back on you, so you should always act how you would want someone to act to you. 

 Earlier this afternoon, I drove past an older homeless man. Something told me that I should go back and talk to him. I rolled down my window and asked him how he was doing today. I got such a great answer. He told me "I'm still alive and well, so it's not so bad". How wonderful is that, even in a bad situation he had something to smile about. He found something to be happy about. 

 I asked him a few questions and we talked for a few minutes, I told him that I believe God provides to those in need, and he pulled out a bible. He told me he would read it on cold nights, when it was hard to remember that God always provides. I ended up giving him 5$ and told him to have a good day and God bless. He responded the same and we went our separate ways. 

 He was a lovely man, and I enjoyed meeting him. I hope that I was able to improve a day in a small way. Today my CHEERS!goes to him. For having a positive attitude in a bad situation. To still trusting that God is still watching over him. It's so amazing to have such a good outlook on life. 

Till next time,